Canada Fails - Again!

Day 1,040, 05:58 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by John O'Melveny

Many of us have been wondering how Canada could afford to attack the UK - well the truth is, they couldn't.

I can today reveal it cost Canada 1800GOLD to merely open the battles in the UK invasion - this is not including tanking, arming military, buying food, and other bonuses.

Many eCanadians have been brainwashed into believing (and to use the exact term they use) a never ending supply of money. No doubt many of them will moronically comment on this article claiming they do have never-ending supplies of money.

I can (of course) confirm that this is not the truth - although Canada is a very rich country, it brings in 30GOLD a day in taxes - this is a lot for any country, and a huge amount for a country of such a small population (in comparison to larger countries such as Poland and Serbia). The reason for this is that they were blessed with High Raw Materials.

However, this high tax income would take them 60 days to recover the GOLD they spent attacking the UK - but in reality, this is not how long it is going to take them to recover.
You see, a country cannot survive on nothing - money must be spent on the military, new citizens fees, state companies, and other things.
It would take them two months to regain their lost investment if they didn't spend a penny in that time - in reality, it will take them months to recover.

So they have put themselves behind for months to come, but for what?


But this is not the full extent of Canadas fail - as anybody who has studied basic level economies will tell you, there is something called Opportunity Cost.
Basically, this is something that when you spend money, you dont just lose the money, you lose the other thing you could have bought with that money.
For example, Mars Bars and cans of coke cost £1 each, and you buy the can of coke. The opportunity cost was one Mars Bar.

The opportunity cost for Canada, was the last High Resource they did not have - High Iron. You see, as Canada failed to invade the UK, and 2000GOLD down, gave up, USA, Poland and China successfully invaded Russia - however, Canada did not join in, as they were attacking the UK.

Russia had their High Iron region left alone - something Canada could have easily taken, but did not.

Canada spend 1800G on not getting High Iron.

Failed Invasion of UK cost Canada over 2000G, 6 months taxes, and High Iron.

For some fails there is an excuse.

For some, there is none.