Can vs UK - You decide!

Day 1,021, 12:46 Published in Canada Canada by termz

I've gathered opinions from people from both countries and I've come to show them to you! After this you will know all the facts about Canada and UK and then you'll be able to make an informed decision on which one is better!

It's not to late to contribute to this! If you want your oponion voiced contact me on Rizon under the nickname Termz!


Free health care
Good players who help new players
Plenty of liberal environment in the chat
we're respectful enough to not be racist
More & Better paying jobs
Crimson Coats. So much more attractive and comfortable than Red Coats

Silly maple leaf flag
There's no plural for the word Moose
Maple syrup
Oppressive canucks

United Kingdom

Many experienced players
Great fighting strategies and tons of MPPs
Very resilient in wars
More wars, more fun
More money for individuals

very poor organization of the eUK military
The ways in which they treat others
Lack of space for new players to grow since everything is taken up by the more experienced players


"Why do you need people to insult the UK? They are already at the lowest level someone could ever sink I mean you can't actually insult them at all, every insult you trow at them is actually a compliment for that fail reason of a country." - Nea_milosu

"They think they're special for having a different kind of bacon than everyone else" - The_Time_Lord

"The eUK is better than eCanada because we don't go around having surprise buttsecks with moose while drinking syrup and eating weird bacon." - The_Time_Lord

"The great thing about #ecan is that you can say 'IM A CONVICTED RAPIST' or 'I LOVE DONGS INSIDE ME' without anyone really complaining too much" - Saltydog

"United Faildom is no match for the superiority of The Crimson Order" - NSlater

"We have taken regions from Ireland, USA, Canada, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and PTOd Czech Republic" - Maddog

"Canada has Country Presidents with Brass Balls. And our Presidents don't rage-quit in the middle of a war, or consider most of our regions "worthless". We've also got population comprised entirely of non-butts. Except crisfire, he's a totalbutt. Finally, we have "unending pot" and they do not." - TemujinBC

"There is so much to love about this place. After all, we don't have any "worthless regions", and we have "unending pot", but you know that is just the start of what makes eCanada great. The Crimson Order militia is full of win. We've got high resource regions all over the country, including many High Women regions. Sadly, the UK only has low women regions, which could explain why so many of them are "worthless". Also, we have Goldfinger. Enough said." - TemujinBC

"A couple of weeks ago, the UK was actually a great place. This is because Canada owned all but three of their regions 😃" - TemujinBC

We threw off the shackles, of US foreign policy dictatorism!" - Woldy

Contributers: The_Time_Lord Nea_milosu SaltyDog NSlater Maddog TemujinBC Woldy Fezoj

Note: I'm always open to subscribers and people who vote.