Campaign Goals: Always a good chance for lulz!

Day 1,077, 16:26 Published in Philippines USA by Jelly9473

Last month I vowed to attack eSingapore, Defend our regions and improve our economy.

This month, Only one thing is the not the same....however with a different reason.

Today, I announce my campaign goals:

Today. I. Declare. War. On. Dioism.

Well...not Dioism as a whole, I kinda like some dioists, they make the game more fun sometimes, however.

I'm declaring war on eSingapore for their recent, and quick denial of adminism and their movement towards Dioism.

With Hekterism now in its beggining stages we were hoping to recieve some support from our allies.

Pig disgusting liars.

Pakistan. Or more importantly, Max McFarland 2

So remember all that old stuff about the renting Karnataka to eUSA.....

I just want the deed back...I expected to recieve a shipment from eIndia containing it but apparently someone on your border patrol stole my package:

I planned to recieve the deed to Karnataka back after the rental agreement....but I guess someone's trying to build a new empire or something I hear?

Whatever, Jellymaxxx! is more important.

I'll defend our regions too I guess....

-- Jelly9473, President of ePhilippines, the rightful owner of Karnataka, A fan of Dioism but more of a fan of fun.

I am : D