Calling all Newspaper owners!

Day 1,013, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Svephen

Newspaper owners across the eUnited Kingdom, whether you're small or big or a citizen or an organisation; I ask of you all to do this one simple thing!

The eUnited Kingdom community is largely based on the eUnited Kingdom external forums and the IRC. To put it easily, unless you're on these, you'll more than likely have no idea on anything.

Despite this, there are more people who are not in the forums than they are. Which is why I, a lil' MoHA guy, is asking you, big eUK people, to begin to put this on the bottom of every newspaper article you create in the UK: (please close the [ url] AND the [ img] or it will not work)

[ url=][ img][/img][/url]

What is it? Its a small banner, which I'm sure you would have seen before. It is hyperlinked to the eUK external forums. If everybody uses it, then there's more chance a newbie will stumble upon it and become a part of it. 🙂 If you really don't know what it is, look at the bottom of this article.

Don't be a moron, join the forum!