California, Texas LIBERATED! Hut Campaign Begins

Day 1,314, 23:24 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut
My Fellow Countrymen, TODAY WE DRINK TO VICTORY!

Today, our courageous forces liberated California and Texas. These represent the most significant victories since the beginning of ONE's invasion of our nation. We must build off of these victories and continue to turn the tide. One day in the not too distant future we will reclaim all of our territory, expel the Turks from our nation, and bring the fight to the homeland of America's enemies. They will pay for their cruel attempt to wipe the eUSA off the map. True Americans never give up. We didn't start this war, but we sure as hell will finish it!

It is with great pleasure that I announce my candidacy for the Presidency of the eUnited States. In the coming days I will release different portions of my plan to turn this country around, but I will give you a sneak peek of what a Presidency by Pizza The Hut has to offer!

Firstly, let me introduce myself to those of you who may not know me. I have served five terms in Congress, one of which representing Florida, which at the time was inhabited by approximately 35$ of the eUS population. I am a former Party President of multiple large parties and I am currently the only 5 Star General in the eUnited States, commanding the American Eagle Division, an elite military force open to all who wish to defend our nation.

I have the political and military experience to lead this nation in these trying times and as your President, I will repair our shattered relationships with our allies by expelling INCI from our nation and thereby making it much more likely that other allied nations will assist with and speed the retaking of all of our territory.

I am very pleased to inform you that I have offered to and these two exemplary individuals have accepted the most important positions in any Presidential Administrations. I am pleased to announce the follow appointments in a Hut Administration.

Vice President - FlorenciaC
Secretary of Defense - Sir Valaro Volcrum

In the coming days I will release further senior members of my Administration and of course all who wish to serve our country will be equally considered! These two great Patriotic eAmericans have been involved with senior military and strategic decisions in our nation and will be invaluable in this time in our history. We need principled leaders who will serve our country well. With Pizza The Hut as President, you can count on strong leadership and integrity!

Ready to Serve,
General Pizza The Hut *****
American Eagle Division

Semper Fi!