C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. Organisation.

Day 2,211, 14:44 Published in Canada Brazil by Klaus Winchester

Greeting fellow ecitizen, if your reading this you must be intrigued to know what and who are C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. the awnser is simple we are a Private organisation formed of ecitizen around the world, our goal is to form as many independent branch around the world, share Information/Supply/Funds/Manpower between us and C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. allies. Protecting the National Security of our eCountry & Allies Country is our primary tasks. Our organisation do NOT receive any Funding from the gouvernement & are not tie with any of them. We are a self-supplying organisation always aiming for the best of our ability/capability.

In order to be able to self-supply our Soldiers/Assets around the world we use a system called Workers Communes, all C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. assets willing to help are assigned to a Factory Manager ( eCitizen specialising in the production of Foods/Weapons ). The payroll will cover your Daily Work Tax no more, this have for goal to provide an income to the organisation and delivering supply when needed.

C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. are recruiting active ( Daily ) ecitizen around the world no matter what your career in eepublik is you can be usefull to the organisation, If you are interested in joining us, contact me.

Cordially, Klaus Winchester
Commander in Chief, C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S.