Bye bye Finland

Day 858, 09:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
With Finland doing EDEN's bidding in a diversion attack on Russia they opened a war with the most heavily MPPed country in erep.

Russia is currently hosting Phoenix's training war with North Korea. Attacking the eWorlds 5th biggest nation is never a great move when you are a small country but when it has 21 MPP's it is suicide. 22 countries vs 8 was not going to end well for the small nation.

But why did Finland do this?

Bravery? The Fins will tell you yes. The answer really is EDEN Command will have pressured them to distract Russia (and Phoenix nations), while 'important' wars rage in the South of Europe.

Battles rage in Europe with the Polish and Spanish empire's under attack.

I feel sorry for the Fins quite frankly. EDEN has let them down. Expecting them to take on such a large foe was outrageous, and it makes me gratetful Phoenix doesn't treat its members like pawns in a chess game.

Will EDEN support the Fins in a come back?

Probably. But they will not be as quick to come to Finland’s aid as they were to approach Finland to ask for the distraction. This is because EDEN is fundamentally flawed. Members are not friends they are allies out of convenience.

i.e. Some EDEN members only fight together in battles as they need help in return at other times. They do not necessarily agree with EDEN Command or what members are trying to do. Such as Poland and Spain feathering their own nests, and leaving 'allies' out in the cold when it suits them.

All in all, EDEN find themselves in the same place Phoenix did a little while back - a grim situation.