Business Starter Program :: Free Q2 Company!! No money needed!

Day 770, 17:46 Published in USA Belgium by Manong Rizal

So I have been in discussion with my business partner, Smornge, about our business. We had about 5 companies and 3 orgs. Now, we have 2 orgs left and 3 companies due to common financial downturns. 3 of these companies have been forced to be inactive due to such financial downturns. Although indeed we can start activating the companies once again, we decided to give one away.

Yes, and you can choose which one:

We have a q1 gifting company in Switzerland with 5 licenses, 3 active licenses, no employees (strong company)

We have a q2 housing company in Austria, 1 license-active, no employees, some stock (not very strong, but worth a lot of gold)

We have a q1 ticketing company in Romania, 1 license-active, 41 dead employees good for productivity, a lot of stock left (very strong company)

We do not have any monetary terms, but, we do have some terms:
1. No contract, no payments needed!
2. Please vote this article so it can reach many people, not required, just a favor.
3. Please subscribe so that you'll know the results! Again, a favor.
4. You are required to join our forums in order to apply for this!
5. We ask you to join our team.
6. We will be starting more philanthropic projects and your endorsements and support will be very useful!

1. Must be a citizen of EDEN, SOL, and/or allied and neutral nations.
2. Level 16 or below.

This is not a lottery. We will choose the person regarding on the "need basis". Who needs it the most and who it can help the most. We will do full background checks and make sure you truly are needy.

So, if you do need a Business Starter such as any of those companies above, please apply here:
We will review your applications and announce the results on January 9!

Watch out for the Exclusive Interview With Astra Kat G on January 1!
And with Arjay Phoenician on January 5!

Links To See!
- Wonderful Year - Awards & Recognitions
- Q2 House for 1 USD!

- ElmieLottery!
- Follow the DOD!

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