Business Opportunities in House Companies

Day 746, 08:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Apotygma

Welcome, to the second publication of my newspaper. Today we are going to talk about the houses market. But first :
I think a lot of you know the newspaper : ‘The underdog’s bark’, a newspaper that published several very popular articles about investment opportunities all around the eRepublik world. Thousands of people subscribed to this newspaper, as I did. Unfortunately, the last 3 month, no new article was published. Gold was still coming in and some may have wondered : where can I invest it? Where can I start my own business and make money?

I was in the same situation, that’s why I decided to continue the fantastic work of the publisher of the Underdog’s Bark. All the credit is his, you’ll find a link to his newspaper here : so if you like what I’m writing, please subscribe here and to his newspaper. This way, he may get his second MMG and, maybe, continue to publish.

I’ll try to publish this report as soon as possible, often in another country : so subscribe if you want to catch them all !!

The method SKIP if you don't care

The method is very simple, but asks a lot of time to gather all the data. You’d be astonished how much time it take to convert everything to gold and put everything in an excel sheet. Anyway, in this article several assumptions are made. To make it possible for you to understand, and if you don’t agree to change the numbers and make other assumptions, I’ll explain to you those I thought where relevant.

First of all, as all of you know, the wellness of your workers is very important as a worker with high wellness will produce more. Having people with high wellness is always an advantage. Depending on the skill of the player, I assumed they had an average level of wellness. This average changes a lot at low level as players learn the game. I assumed that a skill 1 worker has an average of 45, a skill 2 an average of 80 and a skill 3 and above 90. As you may have noticed, skill 0 workers are not included. This is a choice, but you can assume they have the same wellness as a skill 1 (as it takes 2 days to get a skill 1).

Secondly, depending in the quality of your company you won’t have the same level of players working for it. High quality companies have generally high skill workers, and the other way round is also true. Today, for houses other assumptions are made than for land companies. In this case we assume that Q1 Houses companies have 5 skill 1 workers, 8 skill 2 workers, and 7 skill 3 workers at an average of 45, 80, and 90 wellness respectively. The Q2 Houses company was assumed to have 10 skill 2 workers and 10 skill 3 workers. The Q3 en Q4 Houses companies were assumed to have 4 skill 2 workers, 4 skill 3 workers, 6 skill 4 workers, 3 skill 5 workers, and 3 skill 6 workers. And finally, The Q5 Houses company was assigned 5 skill 3 workers, 5 skill 4 workers, 5 skill 5 workers, and 5 skill 6 workers to reflect the fact that it should, of all companies building Houses, seek the most highly skilled staff.
In this article I’ll give an overview of houses companies. I supposed that houses companies have only one real market : the international market. Houses are pretty expensive, and for that, people are ready to buy a moving ticket for an org in order to get a discount that can go to 50% (easily). Selling houses is by this most of the time at the international low. This is more and more true when you go for higher quality. Higher quality mean more experienced players, so they will seek for the cheapest price. To help, all prices are converted in gold thanks to eReptools.

You have always to take the calculation and graphics with care. They are only numbers and leave a lot of things behind. It can be very interesting to buy a company that is not rentable on the local and international market, but that has an export license to a country with very high prices and low taxes. Of course I do make assumptions and some may be wrong, this can make a graphic wrong and give you a wrong impression (that’s a lot of wrongs in one sentence. Wow).

The last assumption that may be wrong is that I suppose that the market buys automatically everything you want to sell. This is often wrong, as it can take some time before you can sell something. This way it is possible that you sell on the local market and on the black market (international market) at the same time. This is not reflected in the graphics, as how longer it takes to sell something, how more money you will need to invest. This in order to cover the delay between sells and production.

So please take the time to read through all the data and the graphs, and do make your own research before doing something. And don’t forget, the market can change quickly and you may have to close your business before you earned your money back. Don’t hesitate to read the articles of the Underdog’s Bark, this will give you an idea of the changes the last three months. To give you an idea, you will need in general, 40 days or more to earn your investment back (often more !).

Al the data that is presented here was collected on day 733 and 745 in eRepublik.

Welcome back ! If you skipped the part where I explain the method and my assumptions I do suggest you try reading it before investing any capital. This will give you more knowledge and will force you to think about the consequences and the market.

You will find the complete data linked below. Everything was made in Excel and after woods transferred in a google spreadsheet. For the graphs, you may look at them in higher resolution by clicking on them (or right-clic and “View Image”). About the graphics : The red part is wages and the blue part is profit (or earnings). All units are expressed in Gold.

The data !

Today, as said during the method part, there will only be the international market. This, except for Q1 houses, as companies are not profitable in Q1 I supposed you could better sell on the local market. This way, you may make a little money in order to start a Q2 or Q3 (never know).
When I made my calculations, the international low prices where :
Q1 : 2,424 gold
Q2 : 6,5025 gold
Q3 : 12,4735 gold
Q4 : 21,351 gold
Q5 : 34,7812 gold
For the local prices I invite you to check the google spreadsheet, you’ll find them in the formula for “sales”.

Quality 1

As already said, houses are manly exchanged on the global market. This because they are pretty expensive and people are willing to spend more time searching for a better deal. But, this principle doesn’t really apply for Q1 houses. Most of the time, Q1 houses will be brought on the local market. We can presume this because Q1 is often brought by new players who don’t really know how to compare all the prices (or just don’t know eRepTools).
Thereby, selling on the global low at Q1 level is not rentable for anyone. No country I check could sell on the global low without going bankrupt in a few days. But be carefull, high prices doesn’t mean you’ll make a lot of money. Please check in which kind of country you are investing in : the most important factor is the population. A too low population and a 2de company active in Q1 houses will make the price drop very quickly. This until one has to close business.

Quality 2

Quality 2 is the first quality level where you will be able to make some money with you company. Earnings aren’t very high, but you’ll be able to make money and get your initial investment back. I can even say investing in this quality level is very interesting as Australia and China have a quite high population so enough potential population. Other countries are interesting, but these two are really the top.

Quality 3

Quality 3 is a level where you can have high earnings with a minimum investment. A lot of opportunities are available, nearly in every country you can make money. So don’t hesitate to invest, the only element that changes is how quick you get your initial investment back.

Quality 4

We can see that here the earnings are even higher, but don’t forget you need a higher investment.

Quality 5

What business for me?

Housing is currently very easy to make money in at the quality levels Q3, Q4, and Q5. Your customers will literally come to you and buy in your country's market, if your offer is near the top of the list on sites such as for checking market prices, as it is a large purchase made only once or (if upgrading) twice. The market has gotten even better than it was two weeks ago. Wood prices have raisen a little, and the prices on Q5 Houses are still pretty high, and construction workers wages are still low in a lot of countries.

The other industries will also be discussed in a further article.

The other industries will also be discussed in a further article.

SO VOTE ! and subscribe so that I will have the courage to continue and publish more of these articles. As I am sure, a lot of you are interested in making money. Also don’t hesitate to involve your friends and show them this article. You’ll see that with hard data it will be easier for you to find capital to start a Q2 or Q3 company than on your own !

And to finish, sorry if my English isn’t perfect, but as you’ll notice I’m not native English. Also don’t hesitate to comment and give me more ideas to publish in the future. If you have questions, post a comment below (please don’t PM) and I’ll read them for a future article !
All the data is stored here :
And the figures here :

You can find my previous articles here :
- Business Opportunities in Land Companies (Published in the USA)

Grtz to all !
