Burying the hatchet

Day 873, 11:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by duke winter

The Great southern war is raging on, with 5 of the 9 high diamond regions in the new world up for grabs the significance of the fighting cannot be ignored with both sides eyes fixed on the prize ahead of them.

On one side you have Phoenix with and on the other Eden and the Brolliance. Out of the conflict Eden has the most to lose, with the USA out of Eden and Poland and Spain slowly losing their empires (Paris recently being set free) Eden is falling apart and has little to fight for or a common goal. The Brolliance has the least to gain from the war since Indonesia and Australia have signed a peace treaty so they are no longer under threat but also have no real chance of getting their hands on any new regions or resources in this war due to the fact that they no longer can rely on maintaining the initiative. Phoenix stands in the best position with little to lose, a lot to gain and they hold the upper hand in this war.

With Australia's loss of Western Australia, they can no longer guarantee on holding the initiative but also on there military's capabilities, with huge amounts of gold burnt up in the fatal defense of Western Australia they are in no position to fight another major battle. This makes Brazil and Argentina's job in South Africa much simpler, there only significant task being to capture and hold KwaZulu Natal and with Brazil only a few hours from capturing although the battle is still somewhat in the balance Phoenix in the last 24hrs has gone along way in burying the hatchet in this war.

This would leave Brazil and Argentina to clear up South Africa in their own time.

With the Great Southern War coming to a close we must look and see where the next major conflict area may be. There are two obvious answers, firstly the eye of the storm may refocus itself on Europe with Phoenix making a calculated bid for France and Germany's freedom or the USA might find itself under invasion again, with resentment against the USA high in both Phoenix and Eden who knows what could happen.

Yours sincerly
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