Buddysilver's Manifesto!

Day 730, 16:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by buddysilver

Hi everyone my name is buddysilver i am sure most of you know me, but for those who dont, you have been seriously missing out. 🙂 I will be running in the North-West this term 😃

First off I am in the Party Saoirse. And I am the Current Minister of New Citizens, I enjoy my job and I find it fun to talk with new citizens and see their opinions on the game, with the help of Edana Savage, and Sweet, we are helping out Ireland about 30 new players a day 🙂.

Here is what I can and will promise you:

-I put the Interests of the eIrish Nation before my own even if that means giving up everything I own.

-I will only vote for things IF I have 100% complete knowledge of the vote firsthand.

-I want to help Ireland in any way possible even if it means losing the elections

- I have a thorough understanding of the economic activities in erepublik and can use them to my full knowledge.

-I promise will not just disappear when I get elected, I will do my active duty as a DT,

-I want to continue the work on the Ministry of New Citizens, by hiring more people to help out so everyone that comes to Ireland has a big helper right by their side.

Please I must stress DONT vote for people because of their Level or their Party. Vote for someone because you can trust them for the good of eIreland!

But as the bottom line comes down to it vote buddy, vote for eIrelands future.

(see I even have a cool high-tech picture!)

Minister of New Citizens