Buck Roger Asia-Pacific Charity Proposal

Day 780, 08:00 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
Quick update: Unfortunately, the advertised article was only meant to attract more subscribers/votes. Therefore, there won't be any big funding for this still-born charity! Hahaha. Oh well, moving along. A thought better than nothing! 😃 I did find gifting our malaysian dying babies to be quite a 'self-satisfying' thing to do. and it only cost MYR3! 😃

In response to the generous offer by Buck Roger, an established society builder (55 medals! WOW) and entrepreneur from Greece - as published here, i am writing this proposal for a..

Buck Roger South East Asia Charity Proposal

I have had this idea of charity foundation a while ago and more recently, with my renewed efforts to rejuvenate the political party DAP, i have put forth some proposal for a party-based charity foundation. Nevertheless, as Buck Roger nicely put it as a criteria for the charity funding - a true charity should be Trans-national and alliance-blind. While the social welfare program by DAP will go forward, there is always a need for a non-partisan, trans-national and completely objective Charity foundation.

Target Market
Our position as a strongly neutral nation certainly give eMalaysia a good base for this charity foundation. However, as the title of this charity implied - the focus or rather target market would be the poor and needy citizens of the Asia-Pacific region. Ravaged by the inter-national conflicts of EDEN-Phoenix and so forth - people of neutral and peace loving nations such as Malaysia, China, India, Japan, and Koreas have suffered much. Not to mention countries like Indonesia, Australia, Thailand who have been suffering much due to external invasions, PTO and lost of high resource regions. Some nations have lost their hospitals and many had its economy ruined due to the constant battles, annexation. These typically lead to starvation (expensive Q1 food) and unemployment (no jobs) and more urgently - death of eCitizens (quitting).

The Plan and Budget
Depending on the amount of funding available, and possible future donation streams - this charity foundation would focus on two programs:

1) Blind Gifting.
How do people respond to receiving free gift? Well, in a personal level - a simple gift might reinvigorate the interest of the eCitizen on the game. However, on a more urgent basis - there are many dying citizens - purely because they could not get out of the sub 30-40 wellness problem. Before they figure out that daily food is required, their wellness has dropped below the salvagable point of 30. In my role as nanny (social officer) in Malaysia, often a time, i have encountered players with sub30 wellness - asking me for pointers to surviva. Even after 10gift, their wellness is at a sub-40 level. Expensive as it is - gifting SAVE LIVES - and that's objective of this program.

Estimated budget for 30 days: 100 receipient per 2days (10 x 5 nations) ~ 3000 gift. At an estimated price of 0.04G, this program will cost 60G. The modus operandi is simple - involving charity volunteers from each nation looking thru 'online list' for unhealthy newbies (sub level 6). Gifting will be done directly and accompanied by a generic message from the Buck Roger Charity foundation.

2) Fly-you-to-Hospitals Program
For the lack-of-infrastructure in developing Asia-Pacific nations, many citizens are born into peaceful-loving and neutral nations - but having no hospitals or training/wellness infrastructure. Some may be born in wastelands (useless regions without much population or infrastructure). Instead of moving to another country where they can participate in active wars, politics and economy, many may struggle to live in the wasteland regions and ultimately die off. The idea is target these clueless new citizens and move them to regions with Q5 hospitals and established governments that offer good education. The modus operandi is to again spot for alive newbies at these wasteland regions - and PM them with an offer of moving ticket and a real chance of survival in eWorld. Estimated budget for 30 days: 10 receipient per 2days (2 x 5 nations) ~ 300 moving tickets. At an estimated price of 0.18G, this program will cost 54G.

The estimated budget may be overly conservative, as the target number of receipients may differ significantly. These charity program could be easily incorporated into a national welfare system. However, past experience of government-funded program is - citizens tend to take these program for-granted and considered it a right. However, if a charity foundation-funded program - the response may be positively different.

So, to anyone other than Buck Roger who would like to do some good deeds, and yes, in particular of those rich tycoons who are contemplating retirement from the game - donate to this cause, and you may actually save an e-life today.

Carr de Vaux

ps: fellow readers, kindly vote this up - might help me in getting the donation. 🙂