Bryan Mills for Indiana

Day 669, 10:57 Published in USA USA by Bryan Mills

People of the eUS, and especially of eIndiana, I come to you today and ask for just a moment of your time in order to show you that I will be the best candidate for Congress. Here I will provide for your enlightenment a description of my policy beliefs in as brief of terms as I can properly express them.

Economy: Here I tend to agree very much with the experts in the Economic Council; they are smart guys and should be the first people to defer to in economic matters. As I am sure most of you may have noticed the taxes have changed on many items. I readily agree with these changes. I know many people tend to be in favor of income taxes as they affect all citizens where VATs are sometimes seen as punishment for American consumers. The benefit of a VAT is simple, it applies to foreign consumers. We have seen multiple occasions of enemies abroad buying out entire markets of gifts or weapons, this allows the government to acquire revenue from such foreign purchases. I also am a big supporter of the amount of the budget allotted to the military but think it is essential that some gold be set aside for government regulated projects like gift and MT distribution companies.

Military: When it comes to the military I will not claim to know better strategy than the minds of the JCS, they do a great job and I encourage everyone to stay up to date on their DoD orders. There has been talk lately of the military slowly using weapon companies they run and employ military personnel, I am a proponent of this plan. This helps the military become that much more self-sufficient and will save the government money in the long run. I encourage those (if they exist) who disagree with the large budget given to the military to really think about what the eUS would look like without those who serve and say that even their current budget cannot cover all the costs they come across and often individual military personnel take expenses into their own hands and for all their hard work I would like to commend all involved with our military forces. O7

Infrastructure: Well this one is rather simple. Without a doubt I am in favor of turning California into a fortress state. However, there are those that believe that we need to drop dual Q5s in it right now. I follow more the path of patience in this regard, as long as our regions are contested there is no reason to place the dual Q5s. It will cut our mobility as it is one less region we can retreat and use to out maneuver our enemies. These pieces of infrastructure do not come cheap either costing over 500 gold combined, far to much to risk with active wars in our regions. As for another fortress state I would like to see Pennsylvania get dual Q5s, my justification being that the point of fortress states are to protect our economy long into war and by covering Penn and Cali we assure ourselves at least 3 high resource regions well into a war. This avoids the problem we all saw when Florida was the only remaining US territory.

Transparency: I am a firm believer that the public has right to know what their elected officials are up too. I have been trying to stay up to date with my voting records and will continue to do so. I am also always willing to talk to anyone who has a question and try to help them come to understand Congress's way of thinking. It is important, however, that voters understand that there is only much that Congress can disclose, partly because we are not even always fully informed by the even higher ups.

Edits are sure to come. I will soon be releasing an article to explain my votes which can be seen published here: Feel free to leave a comment or PM me directly if you have a question and I will try to straighten it out. I hope you will all come out on the 25th and make a good informed vote and I am confident that such a vote will be for Bryan Mills in Indiana.

Thank you for your time,

Bryan Mills

Senat0r of Massachusetts