Brothers In Arms

Day 486, 15:07 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

I woke this morning of my eLife, momentarily confused, it was pitch black, and completely silent. Where was I? Was I back in beautiful Yorkshire, with it’s long rolling hills, about to walk down the country road to chair another YCC meeting? No, those days were long gone. Was I back in India, with the soft sun beating down on my face, and the lapping of the water from the river flowing down from the mountains? No, India had been conquered by Indonesia. And that was then I remembered where I was, in a deep, dark, cold mud filled shell crater, the remnants of the previous days fighting. I remembered why I was here, to do my duty for country, to protect all who Indonesia wished harm, and to avenge the loss of India to the hands of that savage monstrous brute. Wearily I climbed out of my makeshift bed, and turned to wake the others, VettigeSwa and HazzN, who was probably still dreaming about his election loss, and the announcement of becoming a lord, the lucky guy. We clambered out of the crater, to be shocked at what we saw. The massive amount of damage done by either side yesterday had scarred the earth into oblivion, a clear reminder of what must be done to stop these brutes if Europe is to be safe.

No sooner had we devoured out meagre rations we heard the soft rumbling of engines from behind us. The cavalry had arrived. Leading the way, in their heavily armoured tanks, ready to punch holes in the enemy lines, Lotfire, Glorious Failure and Json primed to do some serious damage. Following up behind, the half tracks, their armoured hulls dwarfed by the scale of the tanks, but none the less impressive. Horice P Fossil, my old MDU colleague, gave me a wave from behind the wheel as HexXA dismounted from the back of one of them, and rushed over to us. “Looks like we found you just in time, we’re moving up to the front line, we’ve got our orders and we’re on a strict deadline here, we need to take this region, it’s vital to the ATLANTIS war effort. Get on board!”

Getting into the back of the truck, we saw that we were the last to get on, all the other paras were geared up and ready for action. We were handed weapons, proper weapons, not the rifles we had been fighting with for the past few days, the ones that got jammed and didn’t do that much damage. As we approached the front line, the noise of shells and bombs flying backwards and forwards intensified and by the time we reached forward command, we had to shout to get ourselves heard! Moving forwards onto the field of battle, it was an awe inspiring sight to see the battle unfolding. The surges of attacks from ATLANTIS troops from most member nations against the formidable defences of PEACE. The many miles of barbed wire, booby traps and anti-tank mines were the only thing in our way of a massive victory. The tanks revved into action, rushing forward across the plains. I watched as anti-tanks mines exploded harmlessly against the hull of Lotfire’s tank, and how GF simply crushed the barbed wire beneath his tracks. We followed safely behind these contraptions, waiting to get nearer the fortifications before launching our smaller, but devastating attacks. However, whilst snagging on a barbed wire fence slowed down Json momentarily, it was enough time for a shell to be accurately aimed and loosened off in our direction. It tore into the flank of the tank, and the shrapnel from the blast made our half track redundant, it could no longer move, the traction wheels had been destroyed. I became aware of machine gun fire on our position, and I noticed one of the smaller machine gun posts set up in a network by the enemy to slow down and destroy ground troops. I felt a sudden feeling of anger as I lobbed a grenade through the hatch and alongside my brothers in arms, we stormed the post and victoriously defeated the PEACE soldiers who had been stationed there. Or so I thought. I woke up in the field hospital a few hours later, to the sound of birdsong and good news ringing through the air! We had won! Our great sacrifice had been worthwhile, and we had conquered the territory that was a key part to the ATLANTIS plans!
