Brolliance Nunavut Lottery Proposal

Day 707, 00:25 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden


eCanada Battle Orders

I am one of the eCanadian's who think that the eUSA should hold onto Nunavut for a little while longer. I wrote an article yesterday in regard to the Nunavut question. But thats not what this article is about.

Still there?

Let's hold a Brolliance Lottery!

1st Prize is Resistance Hero Medal

2nd Prize is a World Wide 6 Day & 7 Night Resistance War Holiday!

3rd Prize is 5 Gold

Entry to the Brolliance Lottery: Nunavut, would be 1 gold minimum donation per citizen.
Orgs may contribute gold, but may not be considered as eligible for any prizes.
Lottery open to all eCanadian and eUSA Citizens.

Yes, this lotto is even available in Quebec!
No refund neccessary!

All proceeds to go into paying for Nunavut RW, BH Medal, 3rd Prize, Brolliance Tanking Fund


Candidates so far, whom have donated 1 Gold to Tyler F Durden in trust:

Gary Hubert

*Update: A RW has been initiated, thus cancelling the lottery...mmhmmm.*

**Update: Jewitt has declared a raffle very similar in nature for eCanadian held eUS regions.**

