Britain Advances! (BAP Platform)

Day 485, 06:30 Published in United Kingdom Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

EDIT: There has been some controversy over the elections part, since several people think that it means we are "deviously" running for congress, and then returning. This is not true. We will be doing it with full co-operation, with The Unity Party.

All right, well the party has grown by 3 members, and I have 2 more who want to join once they see our platform, and we haven't even started recruiting yet! So here we go, the official platform of the BAP:

1. Purpose of party

To promote cordial argument between people of different views, in order to reach the best possible solution to our problems. We also seek to gain greater political power for the party, but what party doesn't?

2. Political Beliefs

Our alignment is the best gauge of our politics, although it should be noted that not all of us are of that alignment. But essentially, we are a left-leaning party that believes in the freedom of everyone to live their elives without abuse, harassment, or insult. Gay rights and Woman's right are very much issues in the eWorld, as Women and gay, lesbian, or bisexual people will find a rather hard time in a world of mostly straight single males. Economically, we seeks to support the interests of the employer and worker, and hope to achieve the best possible conditions for the worker, as well as aiding the employer. The eUK's state run companies are a step in the right direction.

3. Military Beliefs

We support the UK's military, and highly recommend all of our members to join. We also support the government giving troops supplies, like gifts and weapons, and stockpiling them beforehand by buying them from companies in the UK. This keeps the companies afloat in times of peace, and during times of war, if the soldiers want more weapons than are provided, then they can buy them. We don't support prolonged war, as it will hurt the economy rather than help it, and do not support ANY war without a good reason for it.

During times of peace, we support engaging in war games with allies, both ATLANTIS members and non-ATLANTIS members. Currently, we support staying in ATLANTIS, but believe the UK should take an aggressive role in the alliance, and make it's opinions known. We should not tolerate any treaty breaking, and I fully support giving the full penalty to any nation that does.

4. Economic Beliefs

We support a fair system of taxing that allows the government enough money to fund it's programs. During times of peace and overproduction, we support a higher income tax, and during times when the economy is fine, moderate income taxes across the board.

5. Elections


Currently, we are not large enough to be in congress, so we will be sending party members to other parties and have them run, then return once the elections are over. If you want to run, let me know, tell me of any experience, and what platform you are running on.


There are no restrictions on this; if you wish to run, just run.


We must carefully select a candidate through rigorous debate, and there will be a poll soon on the forum.

6. Leadership

When it comes to party leadership, all you need are good ideas, and an urge to help the party. Currently, we need a recruitment director, a PR director, and a vice-president. Please contact me about these important posts.

7. Forum and Chat

It is important to be active on the forum, as almost all of the UK’s activity takes place there, although it is less important to be on the IRC chat. We encourage all members to join the forum and get active!

8. Party Forum

It is just as vital to be involved in the party forum, here: Please join if you are a member.

9. Closing Statements

We hope that you join us at the BAP, and help advance Britain to new heights. We do not just advance Britain for tomorrow’s players, but for the players here and now!


Leo Ruby
Party President, Britain’s Advancement Party