Bribery Scandal Explodes Throughout eRepublik

Day 460, 11:27 Published in USA New Zealand by Jythier Smith

eRepublik – Accusations have been flying over the bribery of public officials in order to gain access to abilities that have not yet been earned.

The Picayune investigated the scandal, codenamed “Unlock Features.” We found that for about the price of 20 gold, you could gain access to a newspaper, run for congress, own a company, or even run for President, long before you were old enough to do so legitimately. There are also other ‘features’ involved.

You can’t pay in gold though. When we offered gold in trade for the features, the officials turned us down. “You have to pay through Euros,” the official told us. We assume that ‘Euros’ is a codename for the money-laundering scheme used to clean the gold before it is transferred to the official, making it untraceable except by investigative reporting.

One official, whom the Picayune caught red-handed in our investigative report, said “It’s my job. I’m supposed to take your money, and unlock the features for you. Anyone can do it, it is a normal part of the world we live in. Why are you even investigating this? Are you mad?”

When asked who was behind this scheme, the official was very open. “Admin. He’s behind Unlocking Features, Wellness Packs, and pretty much everything else in the world you see.”

Officials are expected to arrest themselves sometime today or tomorrow.

Editor's Note:

Here at the Picayune, we are aghast at the attitude that corruption and bribery at the highest level is a ‘normal part of the world we live in’. Bribery is wrong. Corruption is wrong. We will continue to investigate this mysterious ‘Admin’ until a satisfactory resolution is reached.