Breaking News: Chaos at the Prime Minister's Wedding Rehersal

Day 778, 05:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

Day 778 Kuala Lumpur - Thousands gathered outside the eMalaysia Prime Minister's wedding rehersal today protesting this marriage. Reports indicated that the numbers were estimated in the tens of thousands. Police were forced to use tear gas and water cannons to beat back the angry crowds as they tried to break their way into the wedding rehersal.

The eMalaysian citizens were apparantly protesting the Prime Minister's indiscretion when looking at other women. 'I saw our Prime Minister, ww88, just openly staring at Lyne Faynel the other day. It was extremely disgusting', said an angry danialariff outside Seri Perdana.

Women protesting against this marriage. Yes, they marched all the way from day till night.

'Once, I found ww88 peeking at Sara Droz. It made me want to slap him again and again.' said SetsunaX, another angry protestor in the streets before he got dragged away.

Another protestor, Wan Muhammad Hasif screamed on top of his lungs before being sprayed by water cannons: 'THIS MARRIAGE IS ILLEGAL!'.

A recent poll done by the independant Merdeka Review has found that 79% of eMalaysian citzens opposed this union, although 60% of them think that 'they look cute together'. The remaining 21% were disqualified because they had been inappropriately touched by ww88.

Police brutally putting down the angry protestors

This comes on the back of more damning reports that ww88 has spied on more and more women, with concerns that his wayward eyes would continue to embarrass eMalaysia. There have also been rumours that ww88 had planned on opening a harem before pursuing a political career, with reports of indescresion reaching all the way to North America.

Renowned archaeologist sunlightz told us that 'ww88 wanted to trick me and keep me in a harem. A harem! This is a disgrace!'.

ww88's harem draft plans

This scandal is threatening to overshadow his administration and can prove to be an unneeded distraction as eMalaysia struggles through tough times. ww88's office could not be reached for comment.

Reporting by Vikta.