Bravehearts [personal article not MOD]

Day 2,409, 05:18 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

hi guys,

Lots of guys have been voicing their opinion against the gov. some have been constructive, which is much appreciative, but most have just plain critical with vague, brave and patriotic ideas.

here is a chance to show your mettle. let us see how good or bad we are in the battlefield, see our strengths, have something to cheer.

keeping 7.30 am (erep time) as a target, let us start an RW in Madhya pradesh. all those supporting the rw with 1k cc will be refunded (screenshot needed) your 1k cc if we lose(only if u r newbie in div 1). if u win u keep the 5 gold.

all those who say gov is not coordinating. step up and coordinate on irc, weps for eindians will be provided (10q7 per person every 8hrs).

all those who feel we should take turkey's help, please step up to be the ambassador.



this is not training war, it is very much real. go for it.