Day 458, 23:10 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Mr. K

To all of my fellow Australian eRepublikans!

Welcome to the first article for The Australian Star - a newspaper made for true Australians trapped inside the evil eIndonesian empire.

This is a message to all Queenslanders, Western Australians, South Australians and Tasmanians, as well as South Africans and South Amercians who are also currently under eIndonesian rule:


It is arguable that eIndonesia is to eRepublik what Nazi Germany was to the real world. They are presently ranked second in the world (falling recently from the number one spot) and they have achieved this through war!

We have lost so much of our precious land to our enemies from the north and we reluctantly call them our ruling elite. It has been this way for some time and soon it will be time to take back our land.

My plea to you all is three fol😛

a) Please INVITE as many of your real life Australian friends to join eRepublik and help stregthen our numbers. And tell your friends to tell their friends too. Remember, the more people you invite to eRepublik, the more chance you have of earning gold for your troubles.

b) DO NOT fight any wars for eIndonesia. By all means, fight in resistance, but do all you can to help stop the spread of this Romanesque plague known as eIndonesia.

b) TRAIN, TRAIN and TRAIN SOME MORE! One day you will be called to fight and they currently have the numbers to easily overwhelm the populous. Therefore, we need to be stronger!

So, who will join me in this journey to reclamation? Who among you will be ready to take back what is rightfully ours?

Stand up and be counted my friends!