Brace For Impact

Day 885, 00:37 Published in USA USA by Woxan

Oh sweet Jesus,

UPDATE: Battles from 885 and 886 will be added at around 10:00 eRep time.

Day 884:

23:32 RW in Canary Islands, Poland
23:34 Serbia Attacks Slavonia, Croatia
23:43 Hungary attack Northwest Croatia, Croatia
23:45 Resistance War in Languedoc Roussillon, Spain
23:45 RW in Saxony, Spain
23:45 RW in Andrah Pradesh, USA
23:49 Russia attacks Pomerania, Poland

Day 885:

00:14 Romania attacks Southern Great Plain, Hungary

Chart made for convenice of the world as to keep track of battles and their openings.

Expect a Presidential Address later tonight on today's events, and follow DoD Orders