BRÉKING - Szabályos az erdélyi csata!

Day 1,061, 04:27 Published in Hungary Hungary by FKgP
A vonatkozó adminbejelentés a fórumon

Hungary - Romania War Statement

Dear citizens,

When a country faces a Resistance War in a region, that country can attack any neighbor region! It's the case of Hungary attacking Romania from Crisana in Transylvania, even if in Crisana a Resistance War started.

The situation will not be legal if Romania will conquer Crisana and Hungary start a battle from Crisana to Transylvania, in the first 72 hours after Romania conquers Crisana.

This was the case between Poland and Russia 2 days ago: Russia conquered WSR and started resistance wars in the Polish regions. Right after Russia conquered WSR from Poland, Poland managed to attack again WSR, although the first 72 hours did not past yet. So, since it was a bug, we had to stop the Polish attack.

As a conclusion, the cases are not similar. And as a rule, if a country faces a RW in a region, they can start an attack from that region. They cannot start an attack if that region is attacked by the opponent.

Thanks for understanding and good luck!

Your eRepublik Team

Röviden: RW-zett régióból lehet támadni. A korábbi lengyel támadást a 72 órás szabály miatt állították le.
5:3-ra vezetünk az erdélyi csatában, lehet ütni.