Blazed for PP of India United

Day 509, 23:36 Published in India India by Blazed

Hello, my name is Blazed and I will be running for PP for the party India United.

I am quite an experienced Indian player - being here before the time of the last Take Over by Indonesia, and what a time that was. Now: a few months later I would like to thank the people who got me here - Srachit - who guided me in the beginning stages - Arjaa - who made me feel welcome in my first job - and everyone who helped me and made me laugh on the forums.

In the times of the TO - both political and on a battle front, I had a vision. A glorious vision - a vision where (amidst all the craziness ) things could be the same as when I got here. A vision that is slowly turning to reality. I have been with India all my life - and don’t have any aspirations of going away - to cement this position I would like to further that vision by being this party’s leader.

As party leader I will prioritise listening to everyone, big or small, young or old (eAge of course) small issue or major, I don’t mind - I will listen to everyone. It is a big party - but I think I can manage as I know how the Indian government works. So if you need anything just PM me and I will try my utmost to resolve the dilemma or redirect you to whoever’s forte it is. For example I will send you to Didio (Minister of Defence) if you want to join the army or want to know anything associated with the military field.

Following on from listening to every voice:

‘Some men are born great, Some men achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them’

This quote can be transferred onto all party members. Some of you will achieve greatness, some will be given responsibility and some will just generally be awesome!

I believe that the main aim is to recruit more people into India and its party. David Forde is already working on articles as a call to each of our neighbouring countries: Indonesia and Iran to Indian citizens to come back to their home country. Once they get here it is our job to make them feel welcome and direct them to India United. In there I can positively use all that energy to make the party and India a better place

‘The further you spread your wings the more you will fly.’ Yes I like quotes; and the further we, the citizens of India spread our wings the further India will develop and fly. If we put the work in now we will see the fruits of our success in time to come.

A vote for Blazed is a vote to get yourself heard, a vote for Blazed is a well-thought-out vote, a vote for Blazed is a vote to the path of greatness.

Vote this up. For once that is more important than subscribing!