Bishop-X for Mpumalanga

Day 882, 09:13 Published in South Africa South Africa by bishop-x

Good day eSouth Africa!

Allow me to introduce myself for those of you who don’t know me. I’m a previous 2 time Congressman and I would like to think I work pretty hard for the advancement of our community. I know I’m not the most well known person running for a seat in Congress but I would like to think I deserve your vote in Mpumalanga.
I’m CO of the 1st squad of the 2nd company in the Pretorian Guard and I’ve recently been made the Director of Mentorship for the MoSD. I’m proud I’ve been chosen for both of these posts, despite there being a sea of qualified citizens and I hope my superiors think I’m doing a good job.
Anyway, enough giving myself toffee,

I’ll be running for the Progressive Party of South Africa in the region of Mpumalanga. Should I be elected, I’ll obviously work for a better eSouth Africa but I’d rather not promise you, the voting public, anything. If I promise you the moon and don’t manage to give you anything then not only would I be letting myself down but I’d also be letting everyone who voted for me down as well. I’d rather have an open house for my policy. I don’t know necessarily what you want because, obviously, only you do. If I was to be elected I’d listen to your wants and your needs and provided they aren't ridiculous or at complete odds with my own political ideology I would make sure to push the idea as far as I possibly could.

So, on Sunday 25th, when you come to the polling station in Mpumalanga, don’t vote for X candidate simply because you like their avatar. Vote for someone you think could make a change and a difference. Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that I could be that person.
Remeber to vote Bishop-X for Mpumalanga!