Bikini Give-a-Way Extravaganza

Day 786, 10:27 Published in USA USA by Joey Jackson
It is time for another WeAkly Bikini Give-a-Way! Every week, until I get bored or go broke, I am going to give away prizes to my bikini faithful. Why? Cuz I love you guys (and possibly some girls, although unlikely).

This week I'm giving away 5 Q1 weapons again. All you have to do is leave a comment before the vote count reaches 50. Anyone leaving a comment before the vote count hits 50 will be entered into the random drawing.

This week's BONUS prize is 10 free gifts. That's right, 10 free wellness! The first person to leave the correct answer to the BONUS question in the comments below will receive the 10 gifts (choice of donation or 'offer a gift' option at your request).

The BONUS question is: Who is the oldest, still active 'supreme priest' of Dio?
(hints will be posted in comments below as necessary)

Stay tuned, subscribed and vote Rhode Island Bikini Watch for WeAkly Give-a-Ways!

No purchase necessary. Open to all citizens, who are at level 3 or up at time of comment. Void where prude.