Big X Thinking创刊一个月回顾 / Review of the 1st month of Big X Thinking

Day 850, 22:13 Published in China China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in eChina.]

(本报致力在e中国和东南亚各国纵横,运用对游戏深入的了解,流利的中英文,在不同国 家发掘并报道最新亚洲外交、军事消息,大家喜欢的话,请Vote & Subscribe支持。)


本报创刊于2010年2月21日,有感于辽宁之战后,e中国国情急转直下,所以开始构 思运用自己对游戏的了解,和流利的中英文,写一份有关外交与军事的跨国报纸,报导各同 盟国之间的情报,而且能维系各同盟国的友谊。

This newspaper was found on 21st Feb 2010, just after of the battle of Liaoning. The economy of eChina fell rapidly after the battle at that time. So, I want to make use of my experience and knowledge of playing eRepulik and my fluent English to write an international newspaper about military and diplomacy issues. The aim is to share information and maintain good relationship between our allies.

虽然人在e中国,但报纸则没有界限,它可以随时切换发布国家,就像自己在周游列国一样 。透过在不同国家交流讯息,建立由与各国玩家的友谊,本人十分享受当中过程。由于我的 报纸引起e中国外交部的注意,我在创刊不久后便被任命为e中国驻东南亚大使。

Although I stay in eChina, my newspaper is free to publish in any country, as if I were traveling around the world. I keep sharing ideas and making comments in different countries to establish friendship with players from different countries and enjoy the experience a lot. Because my newspaper raised the attention of eChina Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I was appointed as ambassador of Southeast Asia a few days after my first article.

作为国际性的报纸,本报由2010年2月21日至3月20日所发表的文章,按发表地区 的分布如下:

As an international newspaper, the number of articles published from 21st Feb to 20th Mar, 2010 by countries is as follows:

e中国 eChina: 11
e菲律宾 ePhilippines: 4
e马来西亚: eMalaysia: 2
e克罗地亚 eCroatia: 2
e印度 eIndia: 1
e美国 eUS: 1
共21篇 Total 21

本报坚持维持文章的内容和排版在高质素,使读者能享受最大的阅读乐趣。本报所发的文章 ,大部分都能在24小时内进入所刊登国家的前20大Top rated news(e克罗地亚及e美国除外)。

This newspaper insists in providing high quality contents and layout so that the readers can have maximum reading interest. The articles published in this newspaper often enter the 1st 20 top rated news (except the ones in eUSA and eCroatia).

本报读者群广阔,覆盖多个东南亚国家,在此多谢各读者的支持!以下将回顾去一个月本报 所发表过的文章。

The background of readers is wide and covers many different countries. Thank you for your support! Let’s review the articles published in last month.



跟很多国内报纸不一样,我第一篇文章是刊登在e菲律宾,介绍e中国和e菲律宾在辽宁之 战所用的换地战术,也讲述了在e中国的连系下,e菲律宾和e波兰签订了MPP,让e菲 律宾能抵抗e印尼的入侵。结果第一篇文章的第一个留言就是当时的e菲律宾总统Keeg an Knoll所留下的。

Unlike many local newspapers in eChina, my first article was published in ePhilippines. It introduced the land swapping strategy used by eChina and ePhilippines during the battle of Liaoning and signing MPP between ePoland and ePhilippines so that ePhilippines can resist the invasion from eIndonesia. The first comment was made by post ePhilippines president Keegan Knoll.

Sol Friendship: Recent coorperation between ePhilippines and eChina


Bilingual version was published in eChina in the following day.

[ENG/中文] Recent coorperation between ePhilippines and eChina / e中国与e菲律宾最近之合作


e菲律宾因辽宁之战换地占领e中国大量固有领土,e中国透过起义回收部分领土,本报纸 在e菲律宾介绍了e中国拍卖起义勋章的情况。

ePhilippines occupied many eChina regions due to land swapping strategy during the battle of Liaoning. After the battle, the land were returned to eChina via resistance war. An articles talked about auctioning resistance hero medal in eChina.

Funny Fund Raising Events in eChina - Resistance War in ePhilippines - Yunnan


e中国不久引发新人潮,看到大量新人无秩序地在无医院地区出生,本报写了一些对新人的 教育建议。

Baby bloom happened in eChina but many newbies were born in the regions without any hospitals. An article was written to give some education advices.



2月27日,e印尼向e菲律宾宣战后不久便发动攻击,另外e菲律宾总统被禁,影响了S ol军演和PC军演,本报在e中国报导有关情况。

eIndonesia invaded ePhilippines on 27th Feb, just after the declaration of war. ePhilippines president was temporarily banned and it affected training war of Sol and PC.

Day 829: e印尼发动对e菲律宾的进攻/ e菲律宾总统被禁



ePhilippines defended successfully. A battle statistic about the battle was posted in ePhilippines.

Battle Statistics [ID 9318]: eIndonesia vs ePhilippines in region Mindanao


3月1日,e印尼向e马来西亚发动攻击,e中国政府向市民派枪,呼吁全力防守e马来西 亚,本报将此消息带到e马来西亚,引起哄动。

eIndonesia attacked eMalaysia on 1st Mar. eChina government gave out weapons to citizens to fight for eMalaysia. This newspaper brought the news to eMalaysia.

eChina supports you!


透过分析来自各方的情报,e印尼向e马来西亚发动攻击其实是有内幕,并将分析放到e中 国发布,得到当时e中国总统武士的赞赏。

After analyzing information from different sources, there’s a hidden story behind eIndonesia invasion. The analysis was posted in eChina and eChina president The Samurai appreciated it.

e印尼攻打e马来西亚的内幕分析 (Day 832)


English version was published in eIndia and eUS on the same day.

eIndonesia attacks eMalaysia - eIndia in danger

eIndonesia attacks eMalaysia - Potential harm to Karnataka


Southern Thailand因其与e印度接壤,成为e印尼的战略目标,e马来西亚和e印尼在So uthern Thailand发生激烈战斗,本报分析了当中战略。

Because Southern Thailand is a key region to reach eIndia, it became the target of eIndonesia. There’re some battles between eMalaysia and eIndonesia there. This newspaper analyzed the strategy behind.

续谈e印尼的野心: Southern Thailand争夺战


English version was publish in eMalaysia 4 days later.

Ambition of eIndonesia: Scramble in Southern Thailand



e印度总统大选选情紧张,e印度几乎落入Phoenix手中,本报报导了Sol在印度 的换地协防计划,e印度总统Abhi347竟在中文文章留言称赞。

President election of Mar 2010 in eIndia is very vigorous. Phoenix related party, Mafia, failed but was very close to win. The article talked about the land swapping plan proceeding in eIndia at that time as a precaution to potential PTO risk of eIndia. eIndia president Abhi347 even made a comment in this Chinese article.



English version was published in ePhilippines. It was then quoted in 2 newspapers in Hungary and it attracted eHungary to make comments.

Sol's land swapping defense plan in eIndia


e菲律宾进入e印度,正好能将e美国从Karnataka引渡出来,加强防御东南亚和 e中国的能力,并威胁Phoenix所占的e中国原有土地。本报发表了有关举动分析, 并附有本人上篇新闻与e匈牙利人对谈的内容。

ePhilippnes entered eIndia and gave eUS a chance to come out of Karnataka. It strengthened the defense of Southeast Asia and eChina and threatened the occupied regions by Phoenix in eChina. The article quoted the comments between eHungary people and me in last article.

从协防转为协攻: e印度协防计划之延续



A follow up of military events happened at the beginning of Mar.



e克罗地亚进攻e斯洛文尼亚,e中国政府发起民众空降e克罗地亚支持战事,本人发疯的 炒掉所有e中国员工叫他们上战场送死。 XD

eCroatia attacked eSlovenia. eChina government asked citizens to go to eCroatia to support this war. I fired all employees working in my company in eChina and encourage them to go to battlefield to die. XD



English version was published in eCraotia on the same day.

I fired all the employees in eChina and ask them to come to eCroatia to fight!


EDEN不能一举灭掉e斯洛文尼亚,e克罗地亚大陆桥计划失败,本人发表原因及改善方 法。

EDEN failed to conquered all the regions of eSlovenia. An articles was published to discuss the factors and ways of possible improvement.



English version was published in eCraotia on the same day.

My thought after the battle of Prekmurje



I read news in eGreece one day and found an EDEN official statement about the internal problems in eUS. So, just do a Chinese translation on it.

[翻译]EDEN对于最近事件的官方声明 - Day 849



以上长长的列表是否看得大家都眼花?本报在未来将会更加努力,继续为各国人民分享军事 及外交消息,并发挥外交功能,促进各盟国间之友谊。谢谢收看!

Are you shocked by the long list above? I will continue to work hard to share military and diplomacy information and maintain friendship among our allies. Thanks for reading!


