Big Old Fight in Congress about Kyushu

Day 750, 00:43 Published in Japan Japan by Peter McGoon

I am getting better at article writin' and put some pictures in this time for those of you who can't read good.


Akki and Kokos40 fight each other in the Diet Building

During yesterday's climactic battle in Kyushu, a fight broke out in the parliament between Akki and former member of eJapan congress Kokos40. During the battle, Akki, a strength 20 field marshal did 326 points of damage in defense of his country while Kokos40 did -636 points. YES, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY, Kokos40 actually went to the eUSA and attacked us after resigning his seat in congress. Admin, please add a "revoke citizenship" feature soon!

Battle Data is available from Val Siv's newspaper here:


From the porch of my Q2 house here in Kyushu, I fought a horde of yankees from across the Pacific Ocean. I am originally from eAlabama, so I don't if my old homeland will ever forgive me, but my new home here in Kyushu seems to be recovering nicely. Spirits are high, the birds are chirping, and I am sipping on a bottle of whiskey--Jack Daniel's, the kind we used to import BEFORE the war.

I WANT TO THANK PRESIDENT DOKOMO. A lot of people said he was an eUSA puppet, that the Godzillas are willing to do anything the eUSA government tells them to do. My party, the Imperial Sun Party, trusted him to do the right thing and not retreat the region despite all the pressure to do so.

I ALSO WANT TO THANK MINISTER OF DEFENSE KITA IKKI. I urged him not to give up hope for Kyushu, my new home, and to release Q5 weapons and gold for tanking. He did one hell of a job, just check the donation lists. If our war effort had failed and we lost, you can bet there would be a lot of angry voices saying he wasted all that budget. As it turns out he helped win one of the most epic battles in eHistory. It was easily the most interesting day I have ever played in eRepublik, and I almost cannot believe I was a part of it.

I ALSO WANT TO THANK EVERYONE ELSE IN eJAPAN WHO FOUGHT SO HARD. Sure we had a few deadbeats who did not really fight as you can see from the battle stats I linked above, plus some people who left before the battle started, but most of us came together and really did a great job. Our leaders could not have done it without all of you.


Please anyone who still has communication with the eAmericans will tell them to tell my dear old mother back in eAlabama that her boy is doin' fine. Last month they even made me Member of Congress from Kyushu, the same region all those Yankees tried to attack recently. They might even give me a parade for standing my ground and insisting the rest of eJapan do the same. President Dokomo must have been under a LOT of pressure. Watchin' the news made me a little sad though, all those Yanks trying to break through Kyushu like that. Hell, I even agree with their goals mostly. Why is eHungary in the middle of eChina anyway? Still, we vowed "Never Again" to an invasion of Kyushu, and we mean to keep our word.

I do hope that we can have peace with my old countrymen from across the Pacific. No reason to continue fightin' really...

PS, another thanks to Kita for sending me the basic bb-codes and article templates. thanks, boss!