Bid for Congress

Day 668, 13:31 Published in USA USA by Malolo

Though I have never had a game sanctioned position in politics, I have worked alongside many congressman to implement various humanitarian projects (the most recent has been my work with Ocean Republic). I am an international businessman and I have a firm grasp of economics in eRepublik. Economics are the internal basis for everything that constitutes power. Political systems, military strength and the perceived strength of any country is based on the economic strength of its population.

The external basis for the strength of our nation is in our ties with our allies. Though Congressmen cannot propose international policies, they do have the power to vote on them. I have lived and run companies in several foreign nations and I have a firm understanding of the way international economics affects our own. I would therefore lobby for lower tariffs and more trade embargoes in support of a tight trade union with our closest allies. The more countries in our trade circuit, the stronger our economy and that of our allies.

I believe in the power of individual citizens and organizations. Programs such as Meals on Wheels, Fort Harlot Weapons, along with a throng of other various citizen run projects are invaluable to the strength and autonomy of the eUSA. As congressman I would support non-governmental agencies so their programs can be implemented efficently and in a timely fashion.

Vote for Malolo in Rhode Island!