BIA is Liberating ARGENTINA

Day 1,337, 21:33 Published in Turkey Argentina by Carlitos Choto I

Theme music =

Brothers In Arms will only fight for Argentina from this day forward, until Argentina is liberated from the vicious forces of Spain and Peru.

We urge all our members to move to Argentina. Other Turkish battle groups will also publish an article during the day. The Great Movement begins today.

This decision has been taken unanimously by all BIA Leaders and Generals.

We welcome everyone who's willing to fight shoulder to shoulder with us.

Viva La Resistance

Happy Friend's day !


Currency, Golds, Supplies:

Help Argentina!

In ROTO we Trust!

Contact us: #B.I.A.public

Brothers In Arms
Founder: whatsupcarlitos
Leader: Lucas05
Generals: Ambar10 - tute_cabrero - kloraq - tekkirma