Beyond Victory

Day 669, 21:50 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Orders posted here:

Fellow citizens and friends,

Tonight is a night to celebrate the return of the NorthWest Territories and the removal of Iran from North America.

Frankly, I felt they could have been more dignified about it, I think there could have been less silliness and a more gentlemanly attitude from their citizens in the Canadian media. Canadians learned a lesson in humility in August, now the Iranians must learn a lesson themselves. What they take from it, is up to them, but I would recommend they take at least this axiom from the last two months:

Canada is not yours to keep.

I will also caution you, Iran, that we're not done with you yet. No...this is just round 1 between us.

We move on to Hungary, which we continue to block. We will take our chances when they come, but we have moved the agenda back towards the United States on this one, and will continue to do so until the situation becomes better controlled.

No we will not at this time be signing an MPP with the United States. This is a joint decision between President Julius and myself.

I ask that you thank any member of EDEN, Greece and the United States if you get a chance to see them. These allies have poured time, money, and true grit in taking back Canada piece by piece. There are other nations, one in particular, that i'd like to mention but don't know if doing so is permissible as they still find themselves woefully threatened by PEACE. If I can't say out loud, you guys know who you are. So please, do the Canadian thing and show your appreciation. I know I will be.

Finally, you won't be surprised to learn that negotiations with France are not going well. I plan on calling them out over this American lunacy and why they think prolonging the war and activating MPPs is a smart thing to do.

We have, my friends, triumphed with the Allied Forces, and sent a clear message across the bow of PEACE.

We've done well, and we have deserved our victory. Hopefully, we can soon look beyond.

John "Jacobi" Carpenter
Prime Minister