Beware Pushing Sol Into Enemy Hands

Day 889, 09:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan

As you have seen from the last few days, the New World has erupted into WWV. Fighting has begun across Europe and Asia with Phoenix slowly beggining to push back Poland and the rest of the EDEN/Allied forces further into their own territory. I doubt this war will end with Germany and France near-liberated, and Hungary and other countries taking hits to do so. I have no doubt that this will end with the fact that EDEN will have to pay for this. For coverage of every day of this war, subscribe to The Great British Truth; it has provided excellent coverage over the last few days written by my friend, Maddog Jones.

It seems to me, though, that as Phoenix push further in this war, they will have one stumbling block. Not yet a problem, but they may well develop into a problem on the Asian front if we continue in our ways." height="200">
The Sol Alliance

Phoenix keep hurting Sol and this is pushing them towards EDEN. Two of the main oppressors of Sol are;


After being in Israel for a few months, I know all about how stubborn Turkey are as a nation. They are a very proud nation, true, but they wont let Israel go. I tried for a month to sign peace with Turkey, and every attempt failed. We even got within an hour of signing peace with another major Phoenix nation and Turkey blocked it. Let me say, that their current MoFA's Kagan Batuker and Burakkocamis are awesome guys but the general feeling is too strong.


Indonesia are a great eRepublik nation and have always been the purge of all the Asian/Oceanic nations. They fear the might of Indonesia and they fear the prospect that one day Indo will have their empire once again and they will lose their independence.

The problem with this, though, is that when one of the big boys push them around, they have to run. Run they do, and they run to EDEN.

And this is where the problem occurs.

WWV is beggining to blow and Sol is not a group we want open to EDEN manipulation. Because, if they do support EDEN, WWV may not be so easy after all.

Phoenix, just take a look at Sol, show them the hand of friendship and make sure this war will be the end of EDEN.

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