Beta Publica. Ahora tu puedes participar en la Beta de la V2

Day 933, 04:00 Published in Spain Spain by Torancito
Han abierto un registro publico para poder apuntarse a la beta

Formulario de Registro

El anuncio Oficial en el foro

Copia del contenido para quien no quiera entrar

Dear citizens,

Since we have noticed that you are very interested in joining the beta testing server, we decided to give you a pleasant surprise and offer you the opportunity to access it just by subscribing to this form.

After filling in the form with the requested details, you will find out when you will be able to join the beta testing, only by checking this spreadsheet.

We will give you access to the beta server on a first-come first-served basis: the first 500 citizens today, the next 500 tomorrow and so on. So please be patient until it is your turn. It might be possible to give access for more than 500 in one day but this depends on the beta server's stability.

Anyway, by the time the beta testing will be over, all of you will have the opportunity to play for a few days the new eRepublik Modules.

The eRepublik Team

Comentarios a la beta

Si quereis triunfar, haceros tanques.

Tambien si habeis cambiado la contraseña de vuestra cuenta en los ultimos dias, teneis que entrar con la antigua contraseña, esto es debido a que logicamente la beta es un backup de la V1 en un momento dado (Despues del ataque de usa a Liaoning) y son versiones distintas, lo que en terminos de programacion llamariamos un Fork()

P😨 La maquetacion de mis articulos es una mierda \o/.


La lista de inscritos en el formulario de inscripcion para la beta. Pocos españoles veo aun 🙁

Lista de inscritos