Best. Party. Ever.

Day 1,978, 20:42 Published in USA USA by Squantoo
Joining Parties,Political Ones

If you want to have fun and/or enjoy yourself in eRep then join a party! Come on CHOP CHOP! They are the BEST way to make friends and be social in the game. I would recommend the Federalist Party, The Proud and Horny. they are so nice and don't take everything seriously they like to have fun and just relax. Go ahead, Check them out Federalist ill wait............................Done? But anyways, interacting with people is a good way for the game not to get boring.

Forums! IRC!

Now that you have joined the Feds, Which you Have,RIGHT? I can tell you one more thing. and that is that you NEED to join the forums and IRC because that's where the magic happens(just imagine me making a rainbow with my hand) Epic, right? No but seriously there is SO much stuff that happens off eRep that really shows the personality of fellow eRep players. Oh and i almost forgot, Fingerguns hangs out in the Forum. Yeah you heard me, ALL the "cool" kids are over there! Federalist Forum

P.S😃o you guys like short,straight to the point,helpul newspaper or long,detailed,helpful newspaper?