BEP Congressional Candidates

Day 765, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom USA by Blanemcc

With tomorrows elections fast approaching, you may be asking yourself: "Who should I vote for?"

The Answer to that, of course, is The British Empire Party.

But before you go off voting for our group of level-headed politicians, take your time to see where the BEP are running, and which official candidates are running in each region.

Parliamentary manifestos and platforms have been linked to where applicable.

Brussels - Squa

East Midlands - Detroit34, Radgast

East of England - Daniel Thorrold

Flanders - Yudakens

London - sprucemagoo1, Griffinite

North East- Jazzaa

North West - Jack West Jr

Northern Ireland - Aequorth

Scotland - SirWallace007, Blanemcc

South East - Davison, Soldier_of_Kent

South West - Chris.C

Wales - Soul Limit

West Midlands - JayTune95

Yorkshire and Humberside - Joseph Gerrard

Thank you for reading. Remember this: A vote for the BEP is a vote for British values, British strength, and the continued grace of the British Empire.

Rule, Britannia, rule the waves!