Bene Shai-Hulud Chronicles: An Introduction

Day 1,056, 18:20 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Bene Shai-Hulud
Historical Report #3,1415A: On The Bene Shai-Hulud

Department of Religion Archives

"If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the worm."
(Ancient Pakistani saying)

There's a creature, almost as ancient and wise as Dio Brando itself, a creature with the grace and strength of a thousand warrior-monks, a creature that brings life to all Pakistani in the desert. The name, Sandworm or Shai-Hulud. An adult worm, on average, measures around 400 standard meters and 80 meters in diameter. There are rumors some legendary specimens having reach a length of 3.000 meters, although few to none have actually witnessed such colossal beings with their own eyes.

It is the Sandworm that transforms the sands of Pakistan to an edible substance, which gives strength and energy to the Pakistani people. Strength for waging war and building an empire, energy to impregnate their women and multiply their numbers. The Golden Sand, as it is commonly known, exists only in the deserts of Pakistan, where the Shai-Hulud lives and thrives. It is for this very reason the followers of Dio to this day still flock to these parts of the world, with fewer numbers as before, but with the same zeal and passion as during the days of the Old Empire.

As ancient as the Sandworm, there exists a religious sect, a cult if you will, shrouded in a veil of secrecy and mystery. Few people know about it's existence, and even fewer know what their beliefs entail. The Bene Shai-Hulud reveres the Sandworm as a part of God, believing their actions are nothing less than the divine will of the God-Emperor Dio Brando himself. This belief came into being thousands of years before the creation of the Holy Empire, during a time where only a handful of people walked the deserts, a harsh and unforgiving era of survival and reliance on the benevolence of Dio. But the Sandworm was not seen as a divine creature at first. It's large and monstrous appearance, combined with it's appetite for human flesh, especially those of the non-believer frightened the early Pakistani, for they had not yet witnessed the special bond between the giant worm and the God-Emperor. It was only when Dio Brando tamed the Sandworm, and rode the creature on it's back throughout the deserts of Pakistan for everyone to witness, believer and non-believer alike, the legend and Order of the Shai-Hulud, was born.

Little is known about the internal structure of the Bene Shai-Hulud to the public. Throughout the centuries, only bits and piece of information were revealed, some of it willingly, some of it not so much. The Bene Shai-Hulud proud themselves on the fact they are one of the few sects of Dioism that have withstood the test of time, continuing to remain faithful and spread the word of God while the rest of the world degraded in an orgy of greed, decadence and heretical hubris. When the First Holy Empire fell, the Order was scattered, monasteries deserted and it's monks left to far parts of the world, fleeing proscecution of heretical occupiers while trying to keep their Dioist faith alive, and in some cases even attempting to spread the word of Dio among the many countries they inhabited. Many lives were lost in The Chaos that ensued after the destruction of Pakistan, as the conquered were slain indiscriminately, from the young Initiate to the old Grand Master, no one who fell in the hands of the infidel invader was spared. Even so, some members escaped, and the Order survived for many years, waiting for a prophecy of salvation and rescue to be fulfilled.

In more recent days, the Order has stepped up it's activity and stepped into the spotlight when it's members returned to the remnants of the Old Empire. It started with two Grand Masters setting up operations and reactivating the old monastery where the Bene Shai-Hulud once had it's headquarters in times long past, clearing the path for the other members to follow. First a few returned, and with each member that found it's way back to it's ancestral home, the word spread and more and more headed the call to return home, return to Pakistan. Today a new era for Pakistan seems to be on the horizon, as Bene Shai-Hulud and other Dioist followers alike are returning to work, fight and die for a new empire, an empire that will seek to rebuild the glory of old and avenge the wrongs and atrocities committed by the snow-dwelling peoples. What started with whispers has grown to shouts, all calling for the formation of the Second Holy Empire of Pakistan, and ambitious as they are, you can rest assure the Bene Shai-Hulud will do anything in their power to help shape and mold this New Empire into something worthy of Dio's praise.

The question now is; will you be a part of this New Empire, or will you be swapped away by this seemingly unstoppable juggernaut? Because after all, they seem to have God on their side...