Ben B M Blackmore TUP for North West Congress

Day 519, 10:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ben B M Blackmore
Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for following the link to read my article. I am putting myself forward for election this month and I hope you will support me!

I have had previous experience in congress, I was a congressman in the SW a few months back and enjoyed it thoroughly and it felt great to be representing the peopl of this great land and getting involved in politics.

But what, you might ask, do I have to offer you here in the NW?

Firstly, I want to encourage greater transparency from congressmen and ministers alike. Some congressman do give weekly reports, giving an insight into what they do and where they stand on issues. Many however, don't. I can assure you that I will produce reports and hope that you people will read and comment, thus getting your opinions over and creating a more democratic society too!

Secondly, along with many TUP members, I'd like to see greater influence given to unions. The common worker and newbie in the game often have a rough ride and with rising food prices it can be difficult to survive. I personally, remembe getting disullioned when my health kept running down, whilst not get a particulalry large finaicial reward. With union work, better wages can be ensured, stopping (big businness exploitation) to the less skilled workers, so they can buy higher quality food and save up for houses.

So, I hope you agree with my aims.

Don't be a sheep voter! Vote for what you believe in!

Thank You