Beginners Guide to Erepublik

Day 874, 11:26 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Materialistic

Hello and Welcome to e-Pakistan.

You have chosen to play for a nation that prides itself on its glorious past of being one of the largest countries of erepublik consisting of regions ePakistan itself, eIndia and eChina but today ePakistan is going through a tough time yet striving to rise again with a strong economy and a powerful military force. Pakistan is currently suffering economically, politicaly and on military strength and we need more players to increase our population, improve economy and strengthen military, every single citizen here matters for Pakistan's progress. We hope you enjoy the game and put forth your efforts to serve ePakistan under the political regime of Pro Pakistani Party.

Here is the article from Ministry of Education e-Pakistan to all the new citizens of the country.

Erepublik is a massive multiplayer online strategy game where players are allowed to simulate their business, political and military aspirations. It gives players a chance to live a virtual life in parallel with their aims and aspirations of real life.

The purpose of the guide is to provide an overview to e-life with detailed knowledge on how to live, earn, sustain and progress in the e-world. I will soon bring another version of the guide with more details of game environment.

The key areas are:

1- Maintaining wellness (health)
2- Getting a job
3- Fighting for your country
4- Politics


Life in erepublik in involves continuous achievment of goals and progress which is evaluated through a system which involves different Experience levels and Experience Points.

For every thing you do in the game you are given a certain number of experience points and after every few experience points an experience level is achieved.

Same goes for the job where you productivity and skill level are the measures of quality of your work done. And military ranks are based on strength and your damage points.


Day 1
1. Upload your avatar picture(gives 1xp)
2. Find a job andwork(gives 1xp)
3. Train (gives 1xp)
4. Buy your first food (gives 1xp)
6. Join our forums at

You are now lvl 2

Day 2
1. Work (you do this every day)
2. Train (you do this every day)

1- Mainting wellness.

The basic and most important thing is to maintain your wellness, every new player is given a wellness of 98 out of 100. And if it reaches 0 then your e-player dies and you have to continue your elife by reviving it.

Wellness effects everything from productivity to your strength. More wellness means more productivity and damage as well.

Wellness will drop in fixed values, independent from the current wellness level:
-1 Wellness every time you train
-Q Wellness every time you work (Q = quality level of the company)
-1 Wellness every day for General managers (for every company)
-10 Wellness every time you enter a fight

2- Getting a job

Job is a must to sustain, you need money to buy things most importantly food. One of the first thing is to find a job. Go to Job Market under Market tab and there you will find list of jobs available. Or Select type of company and your skill level which in beginning would be 0-0.99.

Similarly you can go to Marketplace under Market tab and select food from catagory and buy it.

Work every day as here is a wages system work daily and get money daily.
With every working day you will get productivity points and improve your skill level. The higher the skill the better the wage.

3- Fighting for your country

You need to train daily to increase your effectiveness(damage) in battles. And for every fight you get experience points. The country that makes more damage conquers/defends the region.

For more details on fighting, healing and maintaining wellness click here:

4- Politics

The Voting System is the method by which democratic elections take place simultaneously throughout eRepublik.

These elections take place each month and require citizens to have at least 6 or 35 experience points (EP) in order to be allowed to vote. Every time a citizen votes, they receive 1 EP.
On the 5th of the month citizens can vote on Presidential elections that are taking place in a country.
On the 15th of the month citizens can vote on Party elections if they are members of a party.
On the 25th of the month citizens can vote on Congress elections in their residential country.

I hope this is enough for the time being and I will come up with a more detailed and broad focused guide later. I hope it helps you understand e-life.

For any queries or further information do contact me by sending a personal message.

here is my profile link

Best of luck
& Regards.

Minister of Education.