Beginner's Guide [Wellness]

Day 951, 20:51 Published in Philippines Philippines by Revilo X

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When we first sign up in the New World of Erepublik, some old man thought us to upload avatar, to buy / consume food, to find job, to work and to train. So basically, these are the basic steps that we know of this game.

-In buying food, do not buy one (1) piece per day. We can stock foods in our inventory for a maximum of 20.
The higher the quality (star) of food you eat, the higher wellness you will gain.

-In finding a job, we must consider applying with a Quality 1 (1 Star) company, to avoid losing too much wellness early in the game.

Working in Q1 company will cost you 1 wellness
Working in Q2 company will cost you 2 wellness
Working in Q3 company will cost you 3 wellness
Working in Q4 company will cost you 4 wellness
Working in Q5 company will cost you 5 wellness

-Train, train, train. Not only it raise our strength (str), it also gives us additional experience, 2 exp to be exact.

-If you done something wrong and you make your wellness in a very low state, there are ways to bring it up. But remember it will cost you money to do these:
Eat higher Quality Food.
Have a gifting buddy, where you will offer each other gift.
Buy a house.

Since you started with 100 wellness, and you can start fighting at level 3, it will be easy for you to level up.

Question: How to fight?
Answer: Read this ---> Beginner's Guide [How to Fight]

Note: You can only use the Hospital, once a day after you fight in war.

Healing in hospital will give you 10 to 50 wellness depending on the Quality (Star) of Hospital that is built in the region where you are residing. And it will only heal the wellness you loss in fighting.

-A Q1 Hospital can give you upto 10 wellness
-A Q2 Hospital can give you upto 20 wellness
-A Q3 Hospital can give you upto 30 wellness
-A Q4 Hospital can give you upto 40 wellness
-A Q5 Hospital can give you upto 50 wellness


Again, the hospital will ONLY HEAL the wellness you loss in fighting.

With the given Quality of Hospitals that we have per region, it is very advisable to reside in VISAYAS to maximize the Q5 Hospital that is built there.

Question: How do we change residence?
Answer: It is also in this article ---> Beginner's Guide [How to Fight]

That's all for now.
If you have questions, please message me.

Other useful articles:
Join IRC it's fun
Hospital Guide by roymustang
New Players Guide by roymustang

erepublik tutorial:
erepublik tutorial by erepublik

Revilo X

Trust me. You won't regret it.
eXpose, eXplore, eXperience. Rated X

republished June 28, 2010