Beginner's Guide [How to fight]

Day 941, 21:28 Published in Philippines Philippines by Revilo X
Hi fellow kababayan's

Now that the Sol War game (WG or sometimes called Training War TW) has restarted, I think it is time to review the basics on how to fight.

-A citizen can start fighting at level 3.
-You can only fight if your wellness is above 40.
-You can only use Hospital once a day after you fought.
-The Hospital can only heal how much wellness you loss in fighting, but only a maximum of 50 wellness, since our Hospital is Q5 Hospital.

Q5 Hospital can heal a maximum of 50 wellness
Q4 Hospital can heal a maximum of 40 wellness
Q3 Hospital can heal a maximum of 30 wellness
Q2 Hospital can heal a maximum of 20 wellness
Q1 Hospital can heal a maximum of 10 wellness

Q: How would you know if there's an active war in your country?
A: Check your main page and scan your "National Events" if there is war.

After you click the specific event, you will be directed in this page "The Battle Field":

**Alternatively, you can also go to the "Battle Field" by going through the My Places > Training Ground route:

After you click the active war you can fight in, you will also be directed to the "Battle Field":

Now that you know how to go to "Battle Field", before you click the "FIGHT" button, make sure that you are in the region that have Q5 Hospital.
In ePhilippines, the Q5 Hospital is in VISAYAS. So make sure that you are in VISAYAS, ePhilippines.

Q: How to move?
A: Follow the steps below:

Go to your PROFILE PAGE:

Then you will see your location, if you are not in Visayas, click the "CHANGE" button.

After that, choose the country where you want to go, and also the region, in our case, it is VISAYAS. Then click "MOVE".

Oooops, I guess I have no Moving Ticket.
Moving Ticket (MT) is needed to move locations, you can buy this in the marketplace.

Let's try again, this time I have MT in my inventory.

There, you are now in VISAYAS, ePhilippines.
Now, go back to "Battle Field" and then make sure you will see the note that

Click "FIGHT".


After you fought, click " GO BACK TO BATTLEFIELD".
And you will be directed to this page, where you will see the "HOSPITAL" Button.

Then click the "HEAL" button.

Your wellness is now restored.

Note: Sometimes, you will not see the "HEAL" Button.
So this is the other way to the "HOSPITAL".


Click the SOCIETY tab.

Then click the region (VISAYAS) below the page.

Then you will now see the "HEAL" button.

So there, I think it is the basic thing that you should know in Fighting.

I will still update this, so please comment your suggestions or comments so that I can add some information that I forgat to include here.

Happy Fighting,
Revilo X

eXpose, eXplore, eXperience. Rated X

rePublished June 18 Day 941 of the New World