Beginner's Guide [Communication]

Day 951, 20:49 Published in Philippines Philippines by Revilo X
Hi fellow kababayans,

This time I would like to inform newbies on how to communicate, interact, and be updated in the latest happenings in our country.

First thing that we must know is how to send and receive message.

On our home page, we will see this (picture below) in the left side of our screen.

Messages - This is where our received message (Inbox) and message sent can be found.
Alerts - This is where Friendship request and other notifications can be found.
Subs - This is where Article related notifications can be found, assuming you subscribed a certain newspaper.

When you click any of the icons, you will be directed here.

Question: How to message fellow citizen?
Answer: Go to the profile page of the citizen you want to have contact. Then on the left side you will see this:

In that page, you can Add him/her as your friend, Send him/her a message, Offer a gift, and Donate.

Other way to communicate is through Shout Outs.

Shouts can be found at the right side of our home page.
And there are three (3) tabs in the Shout box.

Friends - Shouts from a citizen who is i your friend-list (you added as friend)

Officials - Shouts from the government officials of a certain country where you are living. You can see the shouts of all officials, whether he/she is in your friend-list or not.
So I suggest that you view this shout outs to be updated, and you can even ask for help by messaging the officials.
Note: Please be aware that there are also government officials that are not trustworthy (PTO group).

Everyone - Shouts from all citizens around the New World.

And lastly, to be updated on what is happening in and out of our country. We must read the News.
New can be found at the lower left part of our home page.

There are also three (3) tabs that we need to be familiarize.

First tab is for the Top News - This is where highly voted articles can be found, usually, important matters and informative news can be found here.
So before voting an article, make sure that it is deserving to be in the Top News.

Second tab is for the Latest News - This is where newly created articles can be found.

If you notice, there is a "more news" at the bottom of the list.
Since you can only see a number of articles in the main page, you can see all the articles when you go in this link.

Third tab is the International News - This is where you will found all articles around the New World.

After reading the News, it is time for you to do your share.
If you think that the article is worth reading and you want other citizens to read it, VOTE it, so that it will have a chance on getting into the Top News.

And of course, if you want to be notified if the Newspaper writes a new article, you can Subscribe.

And I also highly suggest that you read the Comments of other citizens regarding the article, and, you can also post your own comment on the news article.
This can be found at the bottom of the article.

Other means of communication is through forums.
Please join in our
Official ePhilippine Forum.

And also, join us in IRC, it's fun. For a more real time interaction.

Other helpful articles:

Beginner's Guide [Wellness]

Beginner's Guide [How to Fight]

I think that's all for now.

Revilo X

eXpose, eXplore, eXperience. Rated X

rePublished June 28 Day 951 of the New World