Become a citizen and change the world!

Day 1,088, 00:30 Published in Romania Colombia by W.A.R
“Hello my dear friend,

I’m writing to offer you an amazing change to enjoy your online time: I’ve recently discovered an outstanding browser based game, an accurate simulator of the real world. Here, you can rewrite history, lead your country to battle, be a media mogul, own an economic empire or even become President.

I know, it sounds silly, but trust me, it feels so Real! In the last minutes of an epic battle you can feel your heart pumping adrenaline real fast through your veins and if you are running for achieving the Battle Hero, the tension makes you climb on the ceiling!

Besides the military module, one of the many reasons this game is so great is the media: here, everybody can create a newspaper and share their thoughts, desires, ideas, pamphlets, comics, etc. The freedom of press is guaranteed as long as you respect others. This is the easiest and fastest way to make yourself noticed and even become famous worldwide!

For the ones who dream to be a CEO in the future, there is the economic module, where you can own as many companies as you wish, but it’s a real challenge to manage them all in the world marketplace. Dominate an industry and be a price-setter!

If you have the flair, rise and shine in the political module. Being an orator, opens you the road to a Congress seat, to a party presidency or, if you have the balls, to your country presidency! Just imagine the feeling to be voted by thousands of people who put in you their fate for a whole month!

The great fact is that none of above eliminates each other: if you have a great character and enough free time, you can have them all! They are just waiting for you, 2 clicks away!

In addition, I love this game especially because the developers really listen to us, the players, and together we adjust and refine it, for the best of us all. They offer us a stable and reliable product in concordance with our desires. It’s a win-win situation.

I hope this letter made you curious about this game and I’m eager to see you joining our vast community! All you have to do is to follow this link and I promise that you will be forever caught in our New World!

Wishing for the best,
The Fremen. “

File nr. 404
Relativity Research Laboratory
Secret location code 500
8:27 PM

The file above has just been received via our RRL Toshiba-Super-Computer connected to the CEFN Large Hadron Collider. This is the first evidence that parallel Universes really exists! We are all surprised by the message within the letter and now, our main objective is trying to reply to it. Our IT engineers will work non-stop until they will manage to connect to that other Universe Wide Web and hopefully be able to create an account in that game.

Gregory Lehman
RRL specialist.

-End of file-

P.S.: Wouldn’t be nice that us could sincerely send those kind of messages to our friends? I myself start to be embarrassed in front of my pals when they ask why I still play this game.

This article theme song: What if eGod was one of us.

Hoping that parallel universe exists,

Vive la Résistance!