Be strong brothers- Romania is with you

Day 872, 09:53 Published in Poland Hungary by RomanianPride

I decided to start this newspaper today, following the news from RL. The President of Poland and the elite of Polish politics and military are dead following a plane accident near Smolensk in West Russia.

Of course everyone expressed their sympathy, such an event would put any country in a state of shock. I would like to join everyone and say the same: may they rest in peace.

However, I want to say couple of things more. The plane carrying the President and so many other people was going for the celebration of Katyn massacre, when about 22,000 Polish elite were killed in 1940. It was the first time when Russia aknowledged the event and agreed to celebrate together with Poland, in reparation for the atrocities of the massacre. This plane was a plane of peace and understanding between two great countries.

And most importantly: we in Romania, have our long time traditions. One of them says that the week between Easter Sunday (4th of April this year for both Orthodox and Catholics) and Thomas Sunday (this year on 11th of April) is the Enlightened Week. All skies and heavens are opened, the light of God lies upon all of us, the unhappy souls who went to Hell have now a glimpse of what Heaven is. Whoever is born during this week will be a very lucky person. Whoever dies during the Enlightened Week goes straight to Heaven, regardless of what sins they had.

Be strong brothers, your elite went straight to Heaven and they sit next to God! They will guard upon you- for the might and glory of the Polish people! Be strong- Romania is with you, now and ever!