Battle Tactics: 2) Pack Your Kit

Day 969, 21:26 Published in Belgium Russia by Rain Beau

V2 Week 2

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What you will nee😛
GOLD, not required but necessary for raising health between fights and purchasing boosters for a fight.
HEALTH, 40 is the minimum but close to 100 is best.
WEAPONS, only one is active but switching is allowed. Every professional soldier regardless of specialty should have a Q1 air unit for fast maneuvering on the battlefield.
FRIENDS, there will be snipers waiting to deploy next to loners on the battlefield, especially if you are not driving a tank.
IRC, how else will you coordinate your actions with your friends?

Rules of Engagement:
Fights on the battlefield are always between one attacker and one defender. All fights are resolved between turns since only one side may move & attack while the other side must wait. Only one player in each fight will remain on the battlefield, the first player to have their health reduced to 20 is automatically removed from the battlefield. However, these players may redeploy back to the map if their health is raised to at least 40. Redeployment is limited to the space you left the map.

Confict Resolution:
What happens when two or more attackers target the same defender? Only one attack will take place; the other attackers will get some combat credit but will have their health reduced by 10 points. If all defenders in a hex are removed from the map then the attackers automatically advance to that hex after combat. Well coordinated attackers may chose not to attack an individual in a stack to prevent automatic advancement; as well as preventing multiple attacks on the same target which waste health. Changes in hex control is only calculated after all fights are resolved. Movement over multiple hexes does not establish control, only player position is checked for hex control after all fight resolution between turns.