Battle Statistics [ID 9318]: eIndonesia vs ePhilippines in region Mindanao

Day 831, 20:02 Published in Philippines China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in ePhilippines.]


Congratulations! ePhilippines win a real war against eIndonesia with great MPP support from ePoland. Let’s see the details.




Fighters = 2,275
Fights = 11,068
Damage = -717,092

Average damage per fighter = 315.21
Average damage per fight = 64.79
Average fights per fighter = 4.87


Fighters = 14,855
Fights = 66,660
Damage = 2,001,259

Average damage per fighter = 134.72
Average damage per fight = 30.02
Average fights per fighter = 4.49


Top 10 attacking nations

Citizenship Fighters Fights Damage

Indonesia 2,062 10,077 -635,845
Serbia 47 217 -16,716
Hungary 13 59 -10,834
USA 9 49 -5,478
France 13 57 -4,185
Argentina 7 32 -3,455
Germany 7 34 -3,092
Latvia 14 66 -3,053
United Kingdom 8 36 -2,965
Russia 9 46 -2,788
Others 86 395 -26,834

Top 10 defending nations

Citizenship Fighters Fights Damage

Poland 13,590 61,031 +1,656,204
Sweden 355 1,501 +84,135
Peru 98 439 +38,305
France 192 815 +32,124
Philippines 100 525 +29,892
Malaysia 5 68 +23,285
Belgium 66 306 +17,927
Japan 19 100 +15,722
Romania 48 208 +14,693
Slovakia 33 152 +11,634
Others 349 1,515 +67,838

You may see your fight in this war here.
(Be careful of the slow loading speed.)



You can easily find that ePoland contributed most of the damage in the war with over 1.6 millions damage, which is around 2.3 times of the damage from all attackers. Phoenix doesn’t spend much resource on helping eIndonesia.

Each defender caused less than half damage comparing to each attacker in average. However, the total number of defenders is 6 times of that of attackers.

My report ends here. Hope you enjoy the fight!

HAIL ePhilippines!