Battle of Western Australia

Day 873, 15:33 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

Well, I don’t think anybody saw that one coming. The unhappy confluence of a nefarious Indonesian plot, a gullible Australian government, and the fear of a resurgent Indonesian Empire converged to cause the largest battle in the history of eRepublik. I am not going to be waving the flag and screaming about this battle, because honestly… this was a battle that should have never been fought. However, the unfortunate origins that led to this clash do not detract from its historic nature. By the time it was all over, more then 13 million points of damage had been expended on both sides. To all our friends and allies in EDEN and USA, you have the heartfelt gratitude of the Australian people.

These last three days have been roller coaster. In the middle of the North American night, the USA showed up in Australia with hundreds of troops for the planned invasion of South Africa. This was an amazing feat of dedication on the part of our American allies, and their contribution in all three of the major battles in South Africa were nothing short of amazing. But it was when Indonesia invaded that the USA proved how dedicated they were to their Alliance with Australia, tanking for hundreds of Gold and unleashing the full force of their arsenal. It was an amazing sight to see.

A Cameraman takes a picture of what remains of downtown Perth

As great as our American Bro’s are though, it was the arrival of all our EDEN allies that ultimately made all the difference. I saw banners from every EDEN country fighting hard in Western Australia, so let nobody say Australia was abandoned by its friends. Not only did all the support contribute to make this battle the largest in eRepublik history, Western Australia harkened back to a time in when EDEN was not squabbling amongst each other over who is the better ally. For the first time in what seems such a long time, the entire Alliance came together to fight off an invasion of one of its members. Though the region has been lost for now, it was clear to all concerned (even Phoenix I think) that the EDEN Alliance truly won the day.

Why would I say that? I have pointed out on many occasion to unfortunate fact that is server lag. Server lag is when the graphic in the battle does not keep up with the damage being done. Unfortunately, this cannot be the case here for two reasons.

1. I did not notice any lag. I saw my avatar scroll whenever I fought. The amount of people hitting the wall by the end of the battle were not enough to justify shifts of damage so fast the server could not keep up.

2. Overtime rules are sudden death. EDEN brought the wall back to No Mans Land TWICE during Overtime. It does not matter how many people are fighting. The moment the wall crosses a secure boundary in overtime, the battle ends.

Rule 2 did not occur for Australia several times, and did not even occur for Indonesia for over 10 minutes after they managed to push the wall down to underground after the defenders gave up the fight. This is seriously, seriously wrong, because it flies in the face of long established rules about an overtime battle. Furthermore, I am hearing reports that the exact same thing is happening in other battles (Like Kwazulu Natal and Eastern Finland). Perplexing delays in battle closure.

In addition to this problem, the API took a massive dump towards the end of the fight. People on IRC lost contact with the server when they attempted to ".battle 9907" to view the progress. The API refused to give a status update on the battle. Additionally, other services, like Zhunder battlestats, received an API report from the server that Western Australia had been secured by Australia, not to mention that confusing report about Australia defeating Indonesia in Sorlandet at almost the exact same time EDEN claimed the wall had been forced back to No Mans Land during overtime.

Sorry people, it sounds like a bug to me, and I am saying this from months of experience observing battles. I have never seen anything like what happened in Western Australia before. Ever.