Balambani World News: Pyongan Dangerous

Day 677, 03:52 Published in Greece Greece by Balambani Brothers Inc
Balambani World News
Where the best war commentaires can be found


Pyongan Dangerous (Head line)
Why Iran is invading the newly liberated North Korea

Scandinavian Conflict
Conflict between the Scandinavian nations and Russia

HPC logo Competion, 2 GOLD PRIZE
HPC needs a new logo can you make a good logo?


Pyongan Dangerous

Violence in Pyongan, North Korea between the Iranian army and North Korean resistance

A few days ago during the congress elections across the world, Russia attempted a political take over (PTO) of North Korea with a party called the Shaoulin Monstery. The aim was to create a state simuliar to the Theocracy which currently occupies the liberated regions of South Korea (as their original home, Switzerland was invaded by the Hungarian army).

This PTO attempt failed dramtically. 80% of all the seats in Congress were givern to either North Koreans or allied nationals. The Russian PTO forces only managed to gain 20% of the seats in the Congress which is practically useless for them.

With the PTO attempt having failed leaving little Peace GC influence in the area, Iran turns it's eyes in a new direction for expanding it's empire (which is currently in decline). A few hours ago the Shah of Iran declared war against North Korea and launched a huge paratrooper attack on the city Pyongan. Although the population has made considerable resistance it is not enough against the hordes of well trained Iranian soldiers. The resistance was forced to take shelter in the sewers of the city.

For the little time North Korea was free it will now recieve occupation again which for North Korean's must be heart breaking. The USA promised that after it's liberation (which hasnt finished yet) it wil liberate North Korea for it's help. Only time can tell what wil happen next.



Scandinavian Conflict

Violenece in manafacturing complex in Tromso, capital of Nord-Norge

It has been a very confusing situation in the Scandinavian involving territorial swaps between Sweden, Finland and Norway regarding the Nord-Norge region. All these three nations are allied and were constantly swaping the region to not only block Russia's attacks in the USA but to avoid fighting against the Russian MPPs (Military Protection Pacts).

At first it was succesful as Norway succesfully captured Northern Russia and Russia's options in the USA were limited. After Russian occupation forces were depleted in the USA by the American army, Russia turned it's full attention to the Scandinavian. After liberating Northern Russia, it launched an attack on Nord-Norge. The whole Scandinavian population in the region was massacred by the Russian cossacks after the successful seige of Tromso.

Now a resistance has been made against the Russian occupation of Nord-Norge by a guy called Horasio. The resistance seems choatic as Russian cossacks pushed the freedom fighters from the industrial complex in Tromso to the mountainous ice desert of Nord-Norge. The Russian are ripping past all the resistance with minimal effort. Although the Scadinavain blocking was succesful as America successfully removed Russia from the America's it was at the cost of Nord-Norge.




2 Gold prize for winner

HPC's current logo is seen by some as boring and goonish. So we decided we needed a new logo. Unfortunatly we all had poor imagination so I am hosting a logo competion on behalf of the HPC.

The PRIZE for the chosen Logo is 2 Gold!

What does the logo need to look like?

It needs to represent an International-Greek image.

Needs to be bright and attractive.

Must represent the HPC is some way.

Must represent our democractic ideals.

In order to show us the logo I strongly suggest you simply add the logo on a article on your newspaper by going below and clicking the Browse button. Then add it and player message me the link to your article. It will be placed on the forum and will be judged by leading members of HPC. Anyone can participate in the competion. If you do not own a newspaper please add the picture on the eGreek forum and player message me. If you do not have access to niether give me a link to the logo. If you cant do that you cannot participate.

Thanks Balambani Bros