Back in Action

Day 844, 16:42 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson

News, Inc. is Operational Again

Hello readers! It's been forever, I know. I've been on vacation these past ten days and have resorted to two-clicking, but now vacation is over and I'm back in action. And boy did I pick a week to miss. Without even venturing into the news and sticking only to my friend list and subscribers:
-Emerick is back. That's nifty.
-Woldy is American. We caught him!
-After his various accounts have failed in political undertakings in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Australia, Ajay Bruno has infiltrated the United States once again and is still refusing to accept my friend requests.
-Have I mentioned that all those guys are running for AAP President? (Woldy's platform is the best). MM2 is running too.
-DanielCD is moving. 🙁
-Devoid too.
-Jude left, but came back. Yay there.
-My favorite military analyst, who I usually use to help supplement this paper, is taking a break from writing. He'd better be back soon. 😛

Anyways, I know that isn't really anything in-depth, but that's because I have no idea what's going on right now. Don't worry; we'll be back to reporting this week! The next few days, however, I will be spending catching up for my various jobs-- Deputy Secretary of State for Asia and Oceania, Chairman of the eUS Congressional Foreign Relations Advisory Subcommittee, and Libertarian Party Steering Committee member. There's a lot going on in the above duties and I have work to get to.

Until then, here's a happy dolphin, glad to see you all again:

~Myles Robinson~
No Longer MIA