Australian Spring

Day 1,383, 09:14 Published in Australia USA by Majester

Australian Spring

I stand before you asking for re-election.

The term started off fighting back from the now traditional Indonesian invasion. We open talks, reached agreements, and then were stonewalled as the Indonesian President fought for his survival.

I wish we could have done more. August saw us dedicate a deputy Minister to exclusive dealings with New Zealand and Indonesia. We have also appointed a permanent ambassador to Indonesia to crack keep at cracking that nut. The will eventually understand how debilitating taking Victoria from us is. Every single opportunity we look for is blocked in Victoria.

But Victoria, ironically, hurt Indonesia too. Occupying three Australian regions means that they have a RW ready to go the moment one ends. It must be exhausting constantly keeping your eye on the full blown civil war erupting in Indonesia via occupied regions. If they reduce it to two regions (WA and SA), they only get a new RW every 48 hours. The savings and redirected damage to important conflicts is huge. They will understand eventually. We pray they will.

On to our other front, New Zealand. We have wage glorious NE war most of this term. It started as a training war to take advantage of the new RW rules for the gold gain, spiraled out of control as all discipline broke down in Kiwiland and escalated into full blown war. We fought each other to a standstill. Kudos to both sides. We have scaled it down and finally ended it today. The war ended up costing us and them. We may explore it again later, but for now finding a means to maximize our resources is more important to both sides.

I have been unsuccessful in kick-starting domestic reforms. All the war has made me more philosophical, and I have come to the conclusion that out government needs to evolve. Several months ago there ware calls to return us to game rules. I have taken this to heart and wish to fundamentally reform how we do things. Many functions in the preserve of the PM really belong to Senate if you look at the type of laws they can propose and vote on.

I call for a Governor of the Reserve Bank to be appointed by Senate tasked with storing our funds, investing in the money market, and making actual donations as called for by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

I call for a Chancellor of the Exchequer to be appointed by Senate to compile a budget, monitor it, and disburse funds via the RBA or Treasury.

I call for Director of Security appointed by Senate and tasked with vetting new citizenship applications, hunting multies and other threats to Australia, and dedicated to anti-takeover work.

I call for Master of Social Services tasked with contacting new players, directing them to help and resources, maintaining a list of mentors and supporting any Australian in trouble with food donations so that they can work.

This new structure means that the people you vote into power are critical to the development of our nation. The Prime Minister thus is left to focus on international relations and war. The prime minister also gets the opportunity to more directly coordinate the ADF and Australian military units for a more focused international agenda. We are not alone and we need to take the lead in building the kind of alliances we want to be in.

But its not all shuffling power and filling Aussie pockets.

I intend on expanding Australia this term if re-elected (well, even if not). We must gain at least one new resource in order to keep our economy growing.

It will not be easy.
It will have moments of hell and joy.
We will fight for our dear lives.
But if it were easy, it would be no fun.
If you were not up to it, you would not be True Blue.

Re-elect Majester. Together we keep Australia moving forward towards a brighter tomorrow.

Your truly,

Prime Minister of Australia