Australian forces drive back Brazil

Day 843, 11:33 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

Just an aside, the name everyone seems to have settled on is “The Great Southern War”. You can direct new players to the relevant wiki page that has been started to help get them interested.


Australian Artillery firing on advancing Brazilian forces

After Brazil declined to carry the war onto Australian soil, EDEN’s military forces rallied from their previous defeat in Kwazulu Natal. 3 hours before server reset, Australia once again resumed offensive operations against the Brazilians. The attack was begun with a heavy assault by the United States and Canadian Armies. They were swiftly joined by the armed forces of Australia. The Brazilian lines immediately crumbled. As the dawn broke in South Africa, the wall in Kwazulu Natal had been buried half a million points underground.

Australian troops advancing into South Africa

As EDEN forces secured the beachhead and advanced into downtown Durban, the Brazilians launched their counter offensive. Fighting broke out along the entire length of the South African coast as the Brazilian Noob Brigades suicide charged the elite Greek Myrmidons. Later communication with the Myrmidon commander, Geokos outlined the shock the Greeks had at the Brazilian efforts. “It was crazy. Level 5 babies everywhere. There were so many dead babies, we did not know what to do with them all”.

Greek Naval transports rushed powerful tanking forces into the battle

After it became clear Brazil had no hope of victory, they retreated the battle in the hopes that Argentina could push back Australia, or at least hold them in place until Brazils President Junecaz can engage in a “push the button” contest with the Australian Prime Minister Cerb.


Australia might want to consider using resistance wars more often to help prevent these kinds of cycle retreat and attacks. Allowing the enemy to retreat the battles like this permits them to fight the war on their schedule instead of ours. Argentina probably has little chance of winning the battle, since Australia has built up considerable strength over the past several days. Regardless though, we will now be forced to attack Brazil at a time that is inconvenient for both North Americans and Australians. Fortunately, it is during the Greek Prime Time, so the damage could be mitigated in this respect. Overall, not much else is going on around the world except for the war in South Africa.