Australia advances; Russia invades Finland

Day 840, 07:43 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

After dropping an impressive 310,000 points of damage against them, the Argentineans retreated before the Australian advance into KwaZulu Natal. The retreat was immediately followed by a Brazilian counterattack that is being met with fierce resistance. In Europe, Russia has invaded Finland, perhaps in an effort to preempt the American Presidents stated goal of attacking Far Eastern Russia.


Reading Argentine and Brazilian forums postings before the Battle of KwaZulu Natal started, it was clear they did not expect the intensity of the Australian offensive. Independently, Australia dropped more then 310,000 points of damage. Argentina, a country with almost double Australia’s population only dropped 300,000 points of damage. When you add in the foreign soldiers who rushed to the battle, Australia’s damage output is increased to over 600,000.

Observing the battle and media postings in Argentina, it was clear that they had initially hoped to throw back the invasion. At one point, the Brazilians launched a mass attack, knocking back the wall more then 50,000 points. Once it was done though, Australia pushed the wall back over the -100k mark and kept pushing it down despite furious South American resistance. It was only at this point that Argentina decided to retreat.

Hundreds of Argentine soldiers were taken prisoner during the countries hasty retreat

Brazil has since counterattacked, but they have run into intense resistance from Australia’s Greek Allies, who had remained largely out of any major fighting until the Brazilian attack. The use of their military to fight in Argentina before rushing them back to Brazil for the counterattack has clearly reduced the Brazilians damage output, and negates what ever benefit could have been gained from the distraction provided by the resistance war.


Russia has attacked Finland today in what could turn out to be the opening move of another throw down between Phoenix and EDEN in Asia. The United States, Serbia, Indonesia and the Philippines have been jockeying for position over the last several days. Efforts to convince American citizens to move to the US province of Karnataka have largely failed, leading to wall that is too low to provide a deterrent. There is concern that this move by the Russians could be an opening salvo in a major Phoenix attacked in Asia, as it is coming in conjunction with an Indonesian Assault on the Philippines.

For their part, the Russians and Serbians have been goading the American President to follow through on his national goal of trying to capture Far-eastern Russia. Right now it is undetermined how serious the United States is at launching in offensive into Russia. Poland also has adopted similar national goals, claiming their intent to own Western Siberia (the most valuable territory in the world) by the next Presidential election cycle. All the evidence points to the possibility of Northern Asia exploding sometime soon.


Sweden is embroiled in a major fight with a Serbian PTO squad in Denmark. Recently, the Swedes were successful in completely occupying Denmark. Serbia responded with an intense Resistance War effort that has seen two Danish regions restored. This will be problematic for the Swedes, as they will have to re-declare war before they can try and retake the territories. This is probably going to be a long term conflict for the Swedes as they try and keep Denmark down so that the present Congress gets unseated. For the time being the Serbia PTO will remain in charge.


The fighting in South Africa will most likely go on for a long time, so Australia will need to gear up for the long haul. With the security situation in Asia rapidly destabilizing, EDEN is almost certain to focus much of their efforts on this front. Fortunately, Phoenix will be forced to focus in a similar manner. Australia has plenty of support from the Sol Alliance and the Greek MPP with which to handle Brazil, and Argentina will not be a serious issue if Australia can maintain its current levels of damage output. The lack of Significant EDEN military support however will turn the campaign in South Africa into a real grinder. Australians must be prepared for a great deal of attacking and defending.